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Thread mini jack mic to focusrite 24 dsp

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Topic mini jack mic to focusrite 24 dsp

I have a focusrite 24 dsp and im trying to connect a sony ecm cz10 microphone so i can use it for skype, it comes with a mini jack connection so i thought it would be an easy process of just using a 1/4 inch jack adapter from an old set of headphones to get it to work but im having no luck :( ive also tested it in on all 4 inputs.

I use this soundcard to record my synths no problem and ive tested the mic on my laptop and it works fine.

ive never been into recording vocals so my knowledge of mics is very limited so i guess im either doing something really stupid or its not compatable without a different type of adapter

thanks in advance for anyone that can help me out

[ Post last edited on 01/10/2012 at 09:08:38 ]