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Thread Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 doesn't have any firewire connection!

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1 Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 doesn't have any firewire connection!
Saffire 56 worked fine about first expluatation week. Testing playback and recording at ordinary houseroom before taking device to the studio.
I used it parallel with avid Mbox Pro. Through a single PCI-1394 (via6306). Windows 7 x64 and Mac OS Lion.

One day Saffire simply dissapeared from the system (windows 7). Probably ONCE i plugged it in while it was "on" (but as i remember it was even MBox, not Saffire). Ok, when it dissapeared and didn't want to work again I swithced both devices to a Mac. They worked just fine, even through single firewire port. I plugged MBox after Saffire, 1 by 1, and fine.

Then after 5 days of not using, devices turned off. I plugging it to PC, with TWO different 1394 busses (pci and pci-e). There was problems with both devices, but then Mbox worked fine again. I've tryed different ports, busses (via 6306, via 6315), cables, legacy and ordinary drivers, turning everything unwanted off. But not any success.

Ok, I switched it to a Mac again. And IT DOESN'T WORK on a mac too.
So what can i do to connect saffire to my computers again?:??:
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