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Thread How to record internally with Focusrite Pro24dsp?

  • 3 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic How to record internally with Focusrite Pro24dsp?
I'm trying to record streaming audio from Wavelab 7 but there is no sound coming through. I'm not sure which input to use. This is the settings I have setup.


In the past I have used SoundBlaster and it was very easy. The "Recording" tab under control panel shows the number of SoundBlaster devices to pick from but Focusrite only shows Microphone. If I tried to record audio through the microphone, it works fine. However, I want to record internally. Any help is much appreciated.
Hello 2Charlie,
What do you mean by recording "internally" ?
From what I see, you set it up so that it will only record from the Saffire inputs.
By "internally" I mean not from external sources like microphone, guitar, or keyboard. I want to record streaming audio from web browser, Windows Media player, or other sources that are from within the computer. With the settings I currently have, there is no sound coming into my recording software.
You have to set up the Loopbacks in MixControl.
See this video tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHB23zs-0l0
Happy new year !