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Thread Having issues with turntable + Saffire pro 14

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  • 2 participants
Topic Having issues with turntable + Saffire pro 14
i have a technics sl1200 mk2 that i am trying to use to cut samples in Live and for leisure listening. I had a old M-audio usb interface that was okay but wanted to step up to firewire.

Right now i cant get it to play in Live or anywhere thru the focusrite. I have the RCA cables plugged into the in/out in the back of the pro14 but im starting to believe thats newbish and foolish. If the turntable only has RCA cables and ground wire coming out of it, am i going to need a phono pre amp + hi-Z cables to get sound routed to ableton live? Or can it be done another way?

Hi Huge C. Chimp,

Thanks for your post.

Are you using the line or SPDIF inputs? The Technics SL1200 mk II's output is analog and not digital.

Please don't hesitate to contact our support, should you have any further queries.

With best regards,

Marcel // Focusrite Novation Support