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Thread No sound out of Saffire Pro 14 using midi in Logic 9

  • 1 comment
  • 2 participants
Topic No sound out of Saffire Pro 14 using midi in Logic 9
Hello everyone

I'm a new and proud owner of a Focusrite Saffire Pro 14. I bought the soundcard to hook up my x0xb0x, but I can't get any sound out of it while using it in Logic Pro 9. When I hit play in Logic, my x0xb0x receives the midi signal, but the only way to hear the sound out of my x0xb0x is when I plug in my headphones in the x0xb0x. I tested the x0xb0x on another computer with another soundcard in Ableton, that worked perfectly. So the problem must be a certain setting in Logic and/or my Focusrite Saffire Pro 14. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Arnaudr-18,

Thanks for the thread.

Have you routed the audio out of the x0xb0x back into your Saffire Pro 14?

Don't hesitate to contact our support should you have any further queries.

With best regards,

Marcel // Focusrite Novation Support

[ Post last edited on 09/03/2013 at 09:59:07 ]