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Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 setup

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Topic Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 setup

I have just recently bought Scarlett 2i4 audio interface and I would have a few questions about setting it up correctly. These answers were probably covered before, but I couldn't find any "useful" answers, so I decided to create a new thread.

1.) The interface has 4 outputs, where there are one pair of "balanced" outputs in the back and two pairs of "unbalanced" outputs. I have 2i4 connected via USB to my computer using WinAmp or Foobar2000 for mp3 audio playback. On the other side I have Yamaha AX-497 stereo amplifier and a pair of Cerwin Vega XLS-215 speakers. I am wondering which outputs should I use: balanced or unbalanced? What is the difference really? I tried to connect both and I actually can't hear any difference, or is it just me?

2.) The second question I have is: how is it possible to activate unbalanced outputs 3/4? I can use 1/2 balanced or unbalanced as mentioned above, but there's simply no signal output on unbalanced outputs 3/4. So, I am wondering how is it possible to use those 3/4 outputs with a simple audio player (winamp, foobar2000)? Also, would there be any difference from using outputs 1/2 or 3/4?

3.) This question is not directly associated with 2i4 interface but I'll try to ask it anyway. The Cerwin Vega spekaers I use are certified as 6ohm impedance speakers. On my Yamaha AX-497 amplifier there's a switch on the back with left/right option where left is "A or B 4ohm min /speaker" and right is "A or B 6ohm min /speaker". Which option should be selected? What would be the difference actually? I curently have it set to right (A or B 6ohm min /speaker), which was set as factory default...

That would be everything for now. Thank you in advance for your answers!

Best regards...
Hi there,

To answer your 2i4 questions:
1) It's best to used balanced outputs as the help reject interference whereas the unbalanced don't. However, this relies on having balanced inputs on the receiving device which yours does not. In this case I would use the unbalanced outputs for simplicity of connection.

2) You need to route audio to outputs 3 and 4 for this to work. The WDM driver that basic Windows programs use just support 2 ch output but if you use some ASIO enabled software with the Focusrite USB 2.0 ASIO driver, then you'll be able to send signal to these outputs.

Best regards,
