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Thread Focusrite 2i4 RCA inputs

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Sujet de la discussion Focusrite 2i4 RCA inputs

I have a PS4 which outputs optical audio. I would like to connect it to my soundcard/computer.
Since focusrite 2i4 does not have an analog input, I thought about getting an optical to RCA converter.
My question is, if I connect the optical to the converter, and the converter's RCA to the focusrite 2i4, will I hear audio from my XLR connected monitors? or are the RCA meant for connecting speakers only and not input (output info rather than input info).
Do you have any other ideas to solve this situation?

I am running Windows 7 64bit and have focusrite as main device.


[ Post last edited on 01/23/2015 at 03:41:37 ]

The 2i4 i know only has rca outputs and a combined jack/xlr. The rca are outputs for monitoring and/ or recorders.

But i think you knew that already because the label says: unbalanced output

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 01/23/2015 at 07:04:12 ]

Hi xReios,

If you would like to use the RCA converter, you can use RCA-TS adapters like these : https://www.amazon.com/Hosa-Cable-GPR101-Inch-Adaptor/dp/B000068O3S

You can then connect them to the Inputs of your 2i4.

Hope this helps!


David // Focusrite Technical Support
A little schematic impression :

ps4--> digital to analog convertor --- > davids cable convertor ---> focusrite product JACK in --> Monitors on RCA outputs with the necessary cables.

Or an older AV receiver with optical in or Minidisc recorder can also do the trick as convertor :bravo:

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 01/23/2015 at 23:54:27 ]

Hey Angelie,

The PS4 output optical or HDMI. The HDMI will be plugged to the screen so lets ignore it completely. That leaves us with the optical output from the PS4 that transfers the PS4's audio. I can get an optical converter to any other sort of connection or plug it into my PC. Since I don't think that there is a way to get the audio directly to my soundcard, do you know of a way to transfer onboard audio to the soundcard? (since the soundcard is the main output the onboard is disabled in windows 7, so I can't hear them both, beside my monitors are connected to my 2i4.

Basically I am looking for a solution to hear both my soundcard and my PS4 or at least the option to switch between them easily without unplugging cables and stuff.

My rig: focusrite 2i4 connected via USB to PC set as main output in "Playback devices" and "Recording devices". My monitors are connected VIA XLR to the focusrite 2i4. I have both my front inputs used with a studio mic and a guitar input. The soundcard itself is right in front of me on its own "ramp" so I can plug and unplug cables easily if necessary.
Good morning,

The above response from Angelie seems like the best course of action I think:

ps4--> digital to analog convertor --- > davids cable convertor ---> focusrite product JACK in

I can think of no other way for the PS4 to be useable with the 2i4, simply because the 2i4 was not really designed with gaming in mind specifically.
If you go ahead with the above, please ensure that the DAC you purchase is suitably compatible with the optical output of the PS4.

Hope this helps.
Simon // FOcusrite Technical Support