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Scarlett 2i2: How to get my device to 1 channel mono.

  • 4 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic Scarlett 2i2: How to get my device to 1 channel mono.

I record bass covers on YouTube, and I have always had the issue where my bass signal is only coming out of one speaker when listening back. I use Windows Movie Maker, and when I went to the settings to correct this issue by changing to 1 channel 16 bit 44100Hz, it says that the format is not supported by this device. Any ideas to what's going on? My friend told me to download ASIO4ALL to correct this problem, but it hasn't worked. Do I need to configure settings in ASIO4ALL?

Some help would be greatly appreciated because I am at a dead end right now.

Thanks so much,

The inputs of your interface is actually a stereo channel split into two separate inputs.
( Dual mono)

When recording bass on channel one you actually recording the left channel.

Their is a program that solves your problem and is mentioned in another topic.

" why is my mic only on the left "

Try to find that one, good luck

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 07/24/2015 at 09:03:16 ]

Hi Joe,

I wouldn't recommend using ASIO4ALL as a fix for this, it is a generic ASIO 'wrapper' and is not optimised for our products. I would recommend uninstalling that to be sure that it doesn't give us any driver clashes at a later date.
Often, if a recorded signal is only playing back on one side, it means that it has been recorded to a stereo channel as opposed to a mono channel.
I've not used Windows Movie Maker, but check whether you're creating a mono or stereo channel when recording your bass.

The samplerate (44.1khz etc) will not have an effect on which side your audio is coming out of.
How do you have your speakers connected to your Scarlett, via the outputs on the rear of the SCarletts? If you play music through Spotify/Youtube etc, do you hear audio through both speakers?

Let me know how you get on.

Simon // Focusrite Technical Support
I was able to finally solve the problem! Searched the web all last night until I came across a driver update that was said to be in beta mode, and it fixed the 2 channel issue in the driver description. After downloading I'm now able to hear my bass come through both of my speakers and my bass covers will sound SO much better now. Thank you all for your help
I'm glad to hear you're now up and running.
Please do let us know if you need anything else

Simon // Focusrite Technical Support