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Thread Pro 14 - no audio out after mix control 3.5 update

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  • 2 participants
Topic Pro 14 - no audio out after mix control 3.5 update
Since I updated mix control to 3.5 i can receive no audio out in Logic 9. When Pro14 is disconnected I can hear fine through the headphone jack of my mac but nothing at all when the DAW is connected.

It records fine and everything else seems OK in Logic just no audio via the Pro14?

[ Post last edited on 08/02/2015 at 11:42:30 ]


Thanks for the post and sorry to hear you're having some trouble.
Please can you let me know which version of OSX you have installed, Mix Control 3.5 is for Mavericks and Yosemite only.
Please could you also post a screenshot of your Mix Control setup.

Have you ensured that Logic is sending to Master outs 1 & 2?

Please let me know how you get on.

Simon // Focusrite Technical Support