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Thread Scarlett 2i4 Mac Quadraphonic Issues

  • 3 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic Scarlett 2i4 Mac Quadraphonic Issues
Hi all,

I recently got my KRK's back and went to set my speakers back up in quadraphonic on. My Mac but it only seems to be outputting to two speakers in this mode.


- Bose computer speakers connected via RCA in channels 1&2
- KRK's connected via RCA in 3&4 (using tlr to RCA cable$

In audio midi setup on my Mac it detects all four speakers accordingly under quadraphonic but when I output music it chooses only to play out of 1&2 or 3&4 but not both. I found this really odd as different input sources would output to different channels...

I've had this setup working fine before going to update my OS see if that fixes the problem but any help would be appreciated.

Edit: also tried tlr to tlr in 1&2 and RCA in 3&4 which also recognizes all four but same problem persists

[ Post last edited on 08/13/2015 at 14:24:29 ]

Hi Fr3sh,

It should be the case that, when setting up the Quadraphonic speaker configuration in Audio Midi setup, you can click each of the speaker icons to test the audio. This should send a short burst of white noise to your speakers.
Please note that this will essentially then send DAW 3 & 4 to outputs 3 & 4, and so any programs such as iTunes/Spotify etc will still only output to outputs 1 & 2, the program you're using needs to be able to output to 3 & 4 as well as 1 & 2.
What exactly are you using the setup for? What are you outputting? Have you ensured that you have outputs in your DAW set to 3 & 4?

Let me know how you get on.

Best regards
Ah okay that makes sense. That solves my issue.

Thank you,

Good stuff, enjoy.

Simon // Focusrite Technical Support