TopicPosted on 10/08/2015 at 16:04:50Focsurite Makes Great Hardware, but Lousy Software
I have read so many complaints about Focusrite drivers not working. I have personal experience as well with their drivers corrupting on my system.
This is just my opinion, as a former professional software developer, that the developers at Focusrite should think about writing their software in C#. This would end the software corruption problem now facing many customers.
Just a thought.
Simon Focusrite
AFfinity Poster
Member 10 years ago
2Posted on 10/09/2015 at 03:28:07
Good afternoon,
Thanks for the post, although I'm not sure what you mean specifically by 'software corruption'?
We're not aware of any consistent problem with our drivers corrupting a users computer, perhaps you could provide some specific examples or screenshots from your experiences?
At the same time, if you're able to provide a full run down of your system, we can perhaps suggest a fix for any problems you're experiencing.
Hope this helps.
Simon // Focusrite Technical Support
I have already gone through your support team about my specific problem. I even offered to help out by running a debug version of your software to aid in discovering the problem, but there was no interest in this. You can find me in a support request under the email address
I didn't mean to say your software was corrupting my entire system, just a local problem from memory corruption. And in my case the problem isn't stopping me from enjoying music creation.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my product and have highly recommended it. I just sense concern about the QA of your software development team.
I spent 40 years developing software in assembly language, C , C++, and C#. I know what memory corruption is and how to avoid it.
If no other customer is addressing this issue, then perhaps it's an isolated incident not worth heavy consideration. What I've seen posted in the forums concerned me and I wanted to bring it to your attention.
I think these kinds of posts do not ment to post on this discussion board.
If you have problems with software contact the manufacturer and if there not interested then let it be.
I work with focusrite as long as i remember and never had problems with both hardware and software.
The computers where build custom by a friend ( PC.) and always ran stable. Now i work with MAC and still everything runs smoothly.
If someone is to blame, blame Mickey soft.
That program gives so many problems with more than one program / driver.
Win8 was even worse with compatibility issues even with more professional software and hardware which would not install even they where win8 compatible.
I'm not working for Focusrite and get not paid to write this.
This is MY opinion
and even with a lots of post on this board of people having problems ( most are solved) there are even more happy users with no problems at all.
So don't blame a manufacturer because your computer or operating system manipulated things...