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Thread Thinking About Buying A 2i2, need some info

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Topic Thinking About Buying A 2i2, need some info
Hello everyone,

I'd like to ask a few questions about the 2i2 that I hope someone can answer. I have a presonus audiobox, which I liked until just recently. I bought a 3.0 external hard drive, for which I installed the drivers for. Even though my audiobox is not plugged into a 3.0 port I get popping and crackling now. I can confirm the 3.0 update is the problem as uninstalling it fixes it.

1. Can I set the 2i2 as my default sound device in windows?

2. Does the 2i2 work with usb 3.0 driver being installed on the machine?

3. Can I adjust the mix playback? So if I were recording through windows or a DAW I could adjust the level of the audio of both the playback and the input from the interface? The presonus audiobox usb has a input/playback knob that works great for this.

I plan to use it for some music production, mics and a few instruments one at a time and also to record gameplay footage with voiceover for my youtube channel. Any other thoughts on that would be appreciated.
