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Thread Record 16bit, Export 16bit...needs dithering??

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Topic Record 16bit, Export 16bit...needs dithering??
I'm recording from an analogue line source into a Focusrite 2i2. I set up my Preferences in Ableton Live 9 Lite for 44.1khz/16bit. When I export in wave, I keep it at 16bit, but Ableton is telling me it's dithering. Why?? I'm exporting at the same bit depth as I recorded at, so why the dithering? The only editing I'm doing to the original recorded signal is splitting the clip into segments with the Split command in Ableton. Split is supposed to be a neutral operation. If I switch to 32bit at export, even though I recorded at 16, Ableton will not dither. Doesn't this mean it actually captured the signal at 32bit even though I selected 16? I'd like to avoid dithering altogether, but the only way I can see to avoid that is to export at 32bit. The source material does not need to be recorded to anything higher than 16. Anyone have any idea what's going on??