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Thread Scarlett 18i8 no longer works in VoIP programs.

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Sujet de la discussion Scarlett 18i8 no longer works in VoIP programs.
It has been working fine in all my VoIP programs such as Skype, Discord, Ventrilo and Teamspeak for several years.

The interface itself still works perfectly fine in all my DAWs.
I can record with my microphones in all the DAWs that I'm using, and I can listen to raw input through the Scarlett MixControl software.

It happened over night, for no reason...
I didn't change anything with my interface.
I didn't install/un-install any new drivers or programs.
I literally just said good night to my friend on Skype, turned my PC off, slept, woke up, turned everything back on, and IT DOESN'T WORK anymore in any of the voice programs...

I've been troubleshooting this for WEEKS now, and, I have continued to record with my microphone and interface during this whole time without any god damned issues...
I understand that VoIP programs can usually only use the first input from most interfaces.
Like I've said, I've done this for years now so I understand the basics of how this works.

This makes absolutely no sense...