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Thread Scarlett Solo connectivity issue

  • 2 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic Scarlett Solo connectivity issue
I just got a Scarlett Solo and am having an issue with my computer detecting it. I installed the recommended Focusrite USB 2 Driver-2.5.2 driver, restarted my pc, plugged in the interface and it was recognized by my computer right away. I put my computer to sleep after a while and when I came back to it the interface would not connect. The lights on the front would flash on and off rapidly, there was also a popping noise coming from my headphones each time the lights flashed, until it eventually connected probably a few minutes later.

I have tried using the newer scarlett-solo-3.1.10-221 driver and ASIO drivers but they all show the same behavior. I have tried different USB ports and USB cables. I am using Windows 10 64-bit Home Edition. I also disabled the feature that allows the computer to put USB devices to sleep to save power. Any ideas?
I have same problem and when I put my pc to use 100% of my CPU
Problem fix : test it ...
Hello Kadrek and LinkinForEver,

We do not recommend placing your computer to sleep as often times the driver is not properly refreshed when awaken from the sleep state.

It will be ideal to follow this guide to Optimize your PC for Audio: https://support.focusrite.com/hc/en-gb/articles/207355205-Optimising-your-PC-for-Audio-on-Windows-10

Also I recommend following this guide to disable fast startup: http://www.windows10update.com/2015/05/windows-10-tutorials-66-how-to-enable-or-disable-fast-startup/

Does the issue persist?

If you are still having issues, please open a ticket with us here: https://support.focusrite.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new

Best Regards,
David // Focusrite Technical Support