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Korg DT-10
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PandemoniumAsylum PandemoniumAsylum

«  A very good tuner. »

Published on 06/21/10 at 17:19
I've had it for years, I use very little because I give myself to the ear and I do not live. But I have not misused after purchase. I have not tried the other models before, but hey, it's a tuner.

I like the design and the very solid pedal. Detection is effective. The value for money was interesting at the time, I do not know what to think today. Besides, I do not even remember how much it had cost. A few hundred euro I guess.

I do not know if I will because this choice today PolyTune TC electronic me in the eye, looks very good (I tested the iPhone app) and do not cost very much. However I have no complaint to make the korg, so I note the maximum.