TopicPosted on 05/06/2010 at 11:23:30How to record thick vocals?
Ive been composing music for a few years now so i am pretty familiar with alot of plugins, but now im recording vocals and cant quite get the vocals thick enough without doubling. Not that im not a fan of doubling but jus not for every type of song. I think it can takee feeling away from lyrics (in hip hop of course). Does anyone no some tricks or technicks to get one vocal to sound thick on tha track? Kind of like how Jay-z 's vocalssit or Kanye's. Will i HAVE to resort to a compressor with a $3,000+ pricetag?
I would appreciate any feedback!!!
New AFfiliate
Member 16 years ago
2Posted on 05/16/2010 at 12:20:03
What's the signal chain that you're currently running your vocals through?