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Thread Comments about the feature article: A Studio Where Tape is Still King

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Topic Comments about the feature article: A Studio Where Tape is Still King
A Studio Where Tape is Still King
Located about 20 minutes northeast of Nashville, Fry Pharmacy Recording is a throwback to the days when tape ruled supreme. Audiofanzine visited the studio recently, and we produced this video tour.

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Thanks for the great tour of Fry Recording! It's great to find a studio that makes great use of vintage audio equipment which tends to be overlooked in the digital age.
Thanks! Glad you liked it.
Cool studio :)

Mike, your voice sounds pretty bassy and robotic, were you behind the camera?

The mix sounds surprisingly good, given how young the players were and how simple the jam was. I wonder how my music would sound in that studio...
Mike, your voice sounds pretty bassy and robotic, were you behind the camera?

I always talk like that. :-D Seriously, I wasn't behind the camera. We had the engineer miked up with a wireless lavaliere mic that was connected to the camera, and I was holding a handheld recorder. I synced up the two audio tracks when I was editing the video. There were a couple of segments where there was only lavaliere audio available, and those were probably where it sounded like I was talking from behind the camera.
The mix sounds surprisingly good, given how young the players were and how simple the jam was. I wonder how my music would sound in that studio...

Yes. That's what's so cool about that studio. Funky as the place looks, the sounds they can get from that gear are amazing. I'm sure a well rehearsed band playing great material could make some awesome recordings there.
Oh i do love the truck. It is sooo retro. :-D
Seriously i love places like this. It proofs that you don't need hi-tech sound absorbers and acoustic pannels. That you also don't need digital mordern equipment to compete with the big fishes.
It proofs that Analog is still the thing which i also believe.

Thank you for posting Mike. I loved watching this... And thank you fry... For letting us inside the studio :-D


Thank you for posting the website i enjoyed it very much, it reminded me of the " sound city studios "
All crap :-P but they produced the best bands / records. Don't get me wrong i really like this. <3


oh my.... That person " Scott McEwen " in the back of that retro truck with all that old school equipment... .. And calling it " mobile recording "...... This really makes my day....

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 08/02/2015 at 10:23:09 ]

Great post thanks for sharing! Makes you wonder... GarageBand is killing music ;)
Thank you for posting the website i enjoyed it very much, it reminded me of the " sound city studios "
All crap :-P but they produced the best bands / records. Don't get me wrong i really like this. <3

Hi Angelie,
Thanks. Glad you liked it.
Makes you wonder... GarageBand is killing music ;)

It does make you wonder. I wouldn't say killing music, but changing it, for sure.