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Advice needed to buy a polyvalent microphone pair...

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Topic Advice needed to buy a polyvalent microphone pair...
Hello everybody,

I'll try to be as explicit as I can regarding my question:

I'm working on my first dead line and will need to choose microphones to record the following instruments:

Acoustic guitar (folk and classic), divert percussions (bongos, shakers...etc), violin, saxophone and others in the future...
If possible, I'd also like to use one of  those microphones as overhead while recording a voice with my static Microphone.

I already use an akg 414 b-xlII for voices.
I use a TL audio valve classic PA1 (preamplifier) and an RME Fireface 800 (audiocard).
Obviously, I'm not recording in a studio but in different places into my flat... So I need a resonable couple of microphones...

What I've been told to buy:  Two Audiotechnica AT-4040 or se electronics SE1A.
My budjet: £300/350 max (ok for used models).

I'm open to any idea, don't hesitate to give me advices!