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Published on 03/28/11 at 11:09Massey Plugins' Recall Notes plug-in is one of a number of free Massey Tools plug-ins. These aren't featured on their site as their other free demo plug-ins are, but are available on the internet. There are a bunch of plug-ins included in the pack, all of which are designed as utility tools. This one, as the name obviously states, is for storing your settings and notes for your plug-ins. It goes hand in hand with the real Massey plug-ins since they are all available as free fully functional demos - they just reset every time you use them and you can't store your settings. That's where the Recall Notes plug-in comes in handy, as you can take more liberties with it than you would be able…Read moreMassey Plugins' Recall Notes plug-in is one of a number of free Massey Tools plug-ins. These aren't featured on their site as their other free demo plug-ins are, but are available on the internet. There are a bunch of plug-ins included in the pack, all of which are designed as utility tools. This one, as the name obviously states, is for storing your settings and notes for your plug-ins. It goes hand in hand with the real Massey plug-ins since they are all available as free fully functional demos - they just reset every time you use them and you can't store your settings. That's where the Recall Notes plug-in comes in handy, as you can take more liberties with it than you would be able to using just the Pro Tools track space for taking notes. I downloaded this along with the other Massey Tools plug-ins and had it installed quite quickly and without issues. It's just a dpm file so you just copy it into the plug-ins folder once it's downloaded. There's no manual for this plug-in...
I've currently got the Massey Plugins Recall Notes plug running on my system at home. The system is Pro Tools 9 based running on a Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM to work with. I run Pro Tools 9 with a Digi 002R audio interface or as a stand alone application. This plug-in and the other utility plugs in the bundle will run on just about any system as they take up the least amount of processing power possible for a plug-in.
The Massey Plugins Recall Notes plug-in is definitely one worth having. I don't use it all the time, but when I'm using the demo version of the Massey Plug-ins, it comes in really handy. A lot of times I'll just use the Pro Tools space for taking notes, but if I need something a bit more detailed, this one is great to have. You might not think you need it, but there's no harm in downloading it along with the other Massey Tools plug-ins as they could come in handy for you one unexpected day. If you don't know about Massey, do yourself a big favor and download all the demos for their plug-ins now...See less00