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Published on 12/22/03 at 17:19 (This content has been automatically translated from French)I use it for one week so I do not do the full tour ais ...
+: It was all in the hands ... (it's magic we gain in working time and pleasure "almost" farewell Mouse & Keyboard
courese the fader
I use aves sx 2 the scrub function is oprationelle and it's also very friendly but not the magneto ...
We just affect the free F1 F8
engine noise is almost inaudible especially compared to that of the PC to be located forcment CTBR />
-: Non still support functions
a MIDI I / O port only for her
the feel of Vpots
too complicated to control plug-ins
There are not many alterntive in my opinion the offer is mainly composed of everything in a style yamaha 01x or Tascam fw1884 is not ta…Read moreI use it for one week so I do not do the full tour ais ...
+: It was all in the hands ... (it's magic we gain in working time and pleasure "almost" farewell Mouse & Keyboard
courese the fader
I use aves sx 2 the scrub function is oprationelle and it's also very friendly but not the magneto ...
We just affect the free F1 F8
engine noise is almost inaudible especially compared to that of the PC to be located forcment CTBR />
-: Non still support functions
a MIDI I / O port only for her
the feel of Vpots
too complicated to control plug-ins
There are not many alterntive in my opinion the offer is mainly composed of everything in a style yamaha 01x or Tascam fw1884 is not talking about the same thing ...
I do not mean the control surface DDI has a single system
otherwise I also have a kenton freakcontrol studio edition but this is another plant nothing to do!
the price quality ratio is the black dot ...
Finally, for the temp and pleasure gained some choice I would do maturely rflchis
more we must recognize that it contains lment of quality faders Vpots lcd short for me a beautiful tools I am not prs me spar ...See less00PaulyPaul
3 MIDI in and MIDI out
Published on 10/17/12 at 22:30The Mackie Control Universal is a solid work station that has 9 faders and all of them are motorized. there are over 50 total buttons on the Control Universal and most of them are fully customizable and can be synced with whatever you want them to control. The Mackie Control Universal connects to your computer through USB and it is very easy to set up. It will work with almost any system you have, but the faster and better your computer is, the better performance you will get out of the Mackie Control Universal.
The Mackie Control Universal has a built in MIDI interface and a great feeling jog wheel. This unit has metal casting and is solidly built. All of the knobs and faders have good…Read moreThe Mackie Control Universal is a solid work station that has 9 faders and all of them are motorized. there are over 50 total buttons on the Control Universal and most of them are fully customizable and can be synced with whatever you want them to control. The Mackie Control Universal connects to your computer through USB and it is very easy to set up. It will work with almost any system you have, but the faster and better your computer is, the better performance you will get out of the Mackie Control Universal.
The Mackie Control Universal has a built in MIDI interface and a great feeling jog wheel. This unit has metal casting and is solidly built. All of the knobs and faders have good slide to them and resistance. There are no audio inputs or audio outputs on this unit. But there are 3 MIDI ins and outs as well as transport controls. This unit is a bigger unit, but it is not too heavy so you can take it with you if you need to. I have been using this unit for 7 months and using it about 2 to 3 times a week since then.
There is an LCD display screen , you can see all of your mixes in real time. I love having all the buttons (50) that the Mackie Control Universal provides. I am able to control all of my plug-ins and VST synths right with the Mackie Control Universal knobs and buttons. This unit costs around a grand, but it is a great investment to have in your home studio because it will give you full control over your DAW and make your life much easier. It is always good to have a console like this that can work with your DAW. It will shave hours off of your session time that you could be using to make more music with.
See less10ericthegreat
i love it
Published on 12/12/11 at 01:46The Mackie Control Universal is a motorized MIDI based mini control surface, designed for use with your digital audio workstation. It is nice and small and is perfect for controlling your basic functions without having to control everything inside the box. This controller has a single fader, transport buttons like rewind, fast forward, stop, play, and record, as well as options for automation, channel selection, mute, solo, record ready, and pan. It also has buttons for window viewing options and other transport functions. This model is very easy to use and is quite helpful if you are looking to go outside the box and use some actual buttons. It is perfect for those on a budget who don't wa…Read moreThe Mackie Control Universal is a motorized MIDI based mini control surface, designed for use with your digital audio workstation. It is nice and small and is perfect for controlling your basic functions without having to control everything inside the box. This controller has a single fader, transport buttons like rewind, fast forward, stop, play, and record, as well as options for automation, channel selection, mute, solo, record ready, and pan. It also has buttons for window viewing options and other transport functions. This model is very easy to use and is quite helpful if you are looking to go outside the box and use some actual buttons. It is perfect for those on a budget who don't want to get a full fledged control surface either for price reasons or size. The Mackie Control Universal is easy to move around and is also great for the portable studio. The price of the Mackie Control Universal is probably the best part, as it is aimed at home studio owners more than the professional studio owner. Mackie makes some good products at a cheap prices, and this is another great innovation from the company. While this isn't the most sturdily built piece of equipment, if you treat it right it should last a while. The look of the Mackie Control Universal is pretty nice, with all types of colors and flashing lights that will be sure to impress the clients. Everything is laid out smartly and is easy to find, making it easy to use overall. While I don't always use all of the functions possible on this unit, I find that it is worth it to use for the basic transport and fader options alone. All in all, the Mackie Control Universal is a nice little control surface perfect for home and small recording studio owners. Buy it, you wont be disappointed.
See less00Aerodrink
Published on 04/28/04 at 08:27 (This content has been automatically translated from French)I use it for two months: it's a great product, pro trs, trs well thought out and worth every penny. I use it with Cubase SX2 and indeed it is in these conditions (mice unused 95% of the time) that the software (broadly defined, is not it, may be another squenceur) takes really its full dimension in the sense ergonomically.
The finish is perfect, the blue LCD is the most beautiful effect and what about Penny & Gilles faders that are really gniaux (see below). If I wanted to quibble I would say that the buttons play / stop / etc. who click-click buttons to make me think of the old IBM keyboards: it's the only thing that makes a little "cheap" on the device, but it's so dtail compared to th…Read moreI use it for two months: it's a great product, pro trs, trs well thought out and worth every penny. I use it with Cubase SX2 and indeed it is in these conditions (mice unused 95% of the time) that the software (broadly defined, is not it, may be another squenceur) takes really its full dimension in the sense ergonomically.
The finish is perfect, the blue LCD is the most beautiful effect and what about Penny & Gilles faders that are really gniaux (see below). If I wanted to quibble I would say that the buttons play / stop / etc. who click-click buttons to make me think of the old IBM keyboards: it's the only thing that makes a little "cheap" on the device, but it's so dtail compared to the input!
To give an ide of using the BTE in SX:
- CONTRL tracks by Mackie are those that are visible in the console VST (ie if you move a piece in "cache", it disappears from the screen + mackie at the same time)
- Track names appear directly above each slice on the LCD (gnial!)
- If you change the order of the slices in Cubase, Mackie makes the change directly (by reversing the positions of the corresponding faders)
Moreover, given that it is impossible as Cubase change the track order Fawn totally free (eg 1: 2 Audio: VSTi 3: VSTi 4: 5 Audio: Rewire 6: 7 VSTI: Audio 8: Rewire etc..), it is essential to spend only by groups.
Thus, for example, I made a 24 track setup groups in SX: displaying only groups under the console, there are only groups that appear on the Mackie and suddenly you put the order that you want. This fawn is gnial in use: one can completely from reorganization of the slices being components: the faders with automation start automatically updated on the Mackie, and the names of the tracks on the LCD!
However, it remains a bug, even with the latest OS from Mackie: LEDs "signal" have an activity that does not match that of the slices. This would be a problem inhrent SX that would not transmit the correct values of Mackie. It was not until a future version of Cubase for this bug has been corrected.
A note on Penny & Gilles faders: a little Drout to beginners because they are touch-sensitive faders, if for example you touch a fader with your finger (without the fader moves, for example, it is calculated at the bottom ) Well the mackie sends MIDI! This is reflected in the fact that if you're having fun moving faders with nails, they return to their original position cis! In fact if you move the faders with anything other than cis fingers they recover their position on Previous! This is to avoid accidents during the mix like I push my sheets on my desk and I lose my last mix. This means jusqu'o they pushed the DLIR in Mackie! (Such as pasque Whereas hyper handicapping is on an analogue desk, as in our case we return the worst dernire the backup). I wanted even when prciser because I put a sional understand!
Finally: you can accder all: EQ, insert, FX, choices and their VSTis paramtres / presets is finally Sidr permeability with the software of your choice.
TO BE AMONG ALL HANDS! In short I highly recommend all users of Cubase SX and other squenceurs to sell your old machines that you no longer use SAVE for the 1000 euro (used) that cost the machine (nine euros in 1300).
Apart from the small ppin LEDs on the edges that do not correspond to the channels - and the problem comes from Steinberg and would be for the next update rgl power in May - this machine quickly becomes indispensable for passing on it. Make music with your ears and not with your eyes (yes, you can not adjust the levels, for example the mouse without looking at the screen).
Aerodrink less30wahed
Published on 08/08/06 at 12:18 (This content has been automatically translated from French)- I just buy it ... but early tests are very promising
- I was three years of DIGI002 but I needed to also work on Digital Performer, so that's the main advantage of this machine: it works with almost all software. Access to parameters is relatively easy and the jog wheel is very handy during assembly. Everything is very intuitive and the machine was well in hand after only an hour or two of use. Without having all the features of a Procontrol, the experience is much the same in the mix.
Minor drawbacks: HUI mode, the master fader is not taken into account, it is the protocol that is like that, the Mackie is not to blame. Another thing, caches Lexan polycarbonate stickers and are done…Read more- I just buy it ... but early tests are very promising
- I was three years of DIGI002 but I needed to also work on Digital Performer, so that's the main advantage of this machine: it works with almost all software. Access to parameters is relatively easy and the jog wheel is very handy during assembly. Everything is very intuitive and the machine was well in hand after only an hour or two of use. Without having all the features of a Procontrol, the experience is much the same in the mix.
Minor drawbacks: HUI mode, the master fader is not taken into account, it is the protocol that is like that, the Mackie is not to blame. Another thing, caches Lexan polycarbonate stickers and are done to be glued to the console: it's a bit boring for a multi-machine, I preferred that the covers are magnetic and can be 'clip' on the surface; as they are slightly concave, they do not marry 'exactly' the MCU. If I find a system to solve this, I will share with you.
- Digi002 the Apes, I acquired a BCF2000 for travel (not comparable, but not even taken either). I tried a Tascam, the command of digi-8 and M-Audio Project Mix, and I finally opted for Mackie. The others were either too expensive (Tascam), is still limited compatibility (Cmd-8) and Project Mix a little toy, especially since I doubt a little of the quality of the sound card (a hard, low dynamic ).
- At this price, after a battery of tests, I feel very satisfied with my purchase.
- I will tell you if I have no regrets in a year!See less10Anonymous
Published on 10/07/09 at 12:36 (This content has been automatically translated from French)I've had two weeks. I nabbed in France € 350 on ebay (you can hate me <img class="smiley" src="/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_lol.gif" alt="" /> ) I work on Nuendo 2
I never tried to control surfaces, for I am very used against the digital mixing live (DM2000, DM1000, M7CL, 01V96)
Level usability: I'm starting to take under control
what I like is that everything is accessible, always really, it makes me smile every time I do not take the mouse.
In terms of eq I'm slower than the mouse to direct when I know the frequency to process.
The least: the fact that 40 Yaita OOO pages are in the eq plug ins etc etc, for example to send a fact, go in the fourth page, load i…Read moreI've had two weeks. I nabbed in France € 350 on ebay (you can hate me <img class="smiley" src="/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_lol.gif" alt="" /> ) I work on Nuendo 2
I never tried to control surfaces, for I am very used against the digital mixing live (DM2000, DM1000, M7CL, 01V96)
Level usability: I'm starting to take under control
what I like is that everything is accessible, always really, it makes me smile every time I do not take the mouse.
In terms of eq I'm slower than the mouse to direct when I know the frequency to process.
The least: the fact that 40 Yaita OOO pages are in the eq plug ins etc etc, for example to send a fact, go in the fourth page, load it, back in the second turn, inthe third to the post / pre fader and the irst manage the send level ... galley, while in two plays feasible.
Connections everything else: alorslà ... I bought two cables noon, I plug in my FIREPOD, I open Nuendo and it works DIRECT, nothing to do, I hallucinate vaiment for once!
The least: the fact that it plugs in midi c'es break balls, a small USB port would have done well!
Something important, I mix less with my eyes, and with my + ears. Since I have less need to look at the screen, well, I watch it almost never is a class act !!!!!
To me it resembles clear sensations Live digital mixing consoles on large (but less obviously).
Level keys that are missing: I do not see, for me too yen.
Money: I do not decide it was not new.
I would do definitely the choice.
Aller, 10, even if the pages are a bit boring, lack of USB port but it's really a very good believe me!See less20victormelamade
Published on 10/28/08 at 17:53I used to have one of these for about two years before the mackie control universal pro came out. When this one came out, it was the best thing on the market. Mackie really knows what people want in the control surface market which is still surprisingly very bare considering the potential demand. While the new Pro edition of this product is definitely better in most respects, there are a ton of these going around for sale via used music equipment avenues, so this is a relatively inexpensive alternative to the nicer Mackie control Pro that those with the bigger budget should go for. This control surface has a lot of features that make the Mackie line superior to any other company's offer…Read moreI used to have one of these for about two years before the mackie control universal pro came out. When this one came out, it was the best thing on the market. Mackie really knows what people want in the control surface market which is still surprisingly very bare considering the potential demand. While the new Pro edition of this product is definitely better in most respects, there are a ton of these going around for sale via used music equipment avenues, so this is a relatively inexpensive alternative to the nicer Mackie control Pro that those with the bigger budget should go for. This control surface has a lot of features that make the Mackie line superior to any other company's offerings. First the faders are top notch quality, made by Penny and Giles who make the best automated faders money can buy. This unit also has an LCD readout along the top that says a few characters of the track names that you have labeled in your DAW. That makes it way easier to keep track of which faders are connected to which tracks in your DAW without having to constantly check back and forth. There are pan pots for each of the 8 channels on this unit, which are normally set to control panning but in most DAWs you can change what they do, for example I have a friend who uses those to control input gain trim instead of panning. There is also a whole section of transport buttons including rewind, fast forward stop and play. Each track also has a solo, arm, and mute button which cuts down on mousing around time. There is a readout of the Now time in the top right to let you know where you are in the song at all times. This surface is also compatible with most major DAWs, and the menu buttons on the right half of this unit will be different for every DAW which is nice as well. These are pretty cheap now, so it's definitely a very good value to pick one up, but again I do recommend getting the Pro version if you can afford it.See less00AnimalTracksStudio
Published on 05/02/08 at 10:39MACKIE CONTROL UNIVERSAL
I am sure there are some people out there that have never had the opportunity to mix music down on an actual mixer. There are those that toil over using a mouse to make fader movements on the mix.
Let me be perhaps the first to tell you that you NEED to get your hands on a midi control surface such as the Mackie MCU.
This thing makes it possible to handle things on a mix that would be near impossible to do on a regular mixer and much faster than I could do on a mouse.
It is a breeze to interface into the system using midi and can interface with almost any software on the planet.
I have used it with Ableton, Cakewalk, Sonar, Pro Tools, and Sony Vegas for Video.…Read moreMACKIE CONTROL UNIVERSAL
I am sure there are some people out there that have never had the opportunity to mix music down on an actual mixer. There are those that toil over using a mouse to make fader movements on the mix.
Let me be perhaps the first to tell you that you NEED to get your hands on a midi control surface such as the Mackie MCU.
This thing makes it possible to handle things on a mix that would be near impossible to do on a regular mixer and much faster than I could do on a mouse.
It is a breeze to interface into the system using midi and can interface with almost any software on the planet.
I have used it with Ableton, Cakewalk, Sonar, Pro Tools, and Sony Vegas for Video. I have actually not found a program that I can not get it to work with. The midi implementation makes it a breeze to customize it to your lifestyle and software.
It has motorized Penny and Giles volume sliders, continuous control pan pots and a plethora of buttons that will work with just about any feature on your software. The really neat thing about the MCU is that you can have an ENDLESS amount of control. Using the bank button you can slide to the next group of 8 channels and the controls snap into place showing you the positions.
You can also add extenders to add more channels in banks of eight should you need more than eight at one time.
Believe me, once you get one you will wonder how you ever survived by using a mouse to manipulate the series of sub menus on the bar when you can get directly to it with one button click.
The transport buttons are the single most useful thing to me. I love being able to push play, or stop and not have to click a mouse for it. I may be old school. But that is what it is all about.
There are scribble strips that tell you what is on that channel so you don’t have to take your eyes off the board. That helps keep things flowing. The original model is getting quite affordable. I have been using mine over a year and would buy another in a heart beat even at the suggested list price.See less00