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Novation Remote ZeRO SL
Novation Remote ZeRO SL
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Published on 06/26/08 at 01:34
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After misadventures as collateral, the new model holds up. In short a nice controller if you do not have to for service.

- How long have you use it?

three months, one to three hours a day.
then three months, on average one call every three weeks for service.
Pui six months the new model, no problems cettes time around. In addition the new Automap 2.0 is a killer. VST controls set themselves in a simple and intuitive, a true happiness. I chose a setting, I move, control, I move, hop, is in memory. do it again in a loop until you have all mapped the end of learning, becoming a VST memory.

- What is so special that you like most and least?
Bought only for use with Reason, the display functions directly on the screens is very convenient. Whatever instrument you see immediately what are the controls.

We find an equivalent function on the VST with the Automap.

The amount of controls available is attractive, and their touch is rather pleasant, if not perfect. As against their arrangement, which is normally the same for all programs (understand that it is always the same pot used for frequency during the automatic configuration) is not necessarily the most common.

The pads are hard and very sensitive medium, too small to be really useful.

270 ° knobs are rather specific and their touch is nice.

The potentiometer has an infinite slight tendency to scratch and their accuracy is poor. after a few months scratching disappear, but the accuracy when running fast is hard to manage.

Upon receiving a slight lateral movement at the faders is not pleasant. Also the paint peeling on the edges of them after a few months and the case is soft on the side of the faders. No big deal, but a little annoying.
The display shows the details of checks by horizontal row. a button on the side of each row to switch between a series of controls to another. The switch controls the display of a row to another is slow, the buttons are malfunctioning, and the controller changes the display even when automation software is changing the parameters themselves, which removes much of the advantage of displaying live, and make use of the controller more difficult in the configuration pre-allocated. on the other hand for use in component is fine, especially when you have a memory lapse on how the controls are assigned.
Big downside, the biggest, most annoying: the screens are of a quality as bad as the service. False episodic contacts after two months, total failure of the display after three months.
Party for repair immediately (the store where I purchased the product is effective), it took three months to ... to exchange standard.
Also note that the pictures on the product appears quite late, it's an optical illusion caused by an unchecked from the face of the deep and remote. This is actually quite bulky.

I also regret the absence of a stick.
- Have you tried many other models before buying it?

little. But ultimately the potential of this model are not found elsewhere.

- How would you rate the quality / price?

If your unit works well, it's a good product. if you have to do for service, it's a different story. That said I understand that Novation had changed SAV responsible for France, which may have solved the problems I had.
Finish degrades rapidly with use. (Pulls paint), when the rest of the controller's fault, it is for against considering they are in line with the low purchase price, so defects normal for this type of material.
- With experience, you do again this choice? ...

I would hesitate a long time. Problems with the VAS cooled me greatly, but the new model I was still very pleasant to use. I will begin with a tour of the existing to see if we can find an equivalent model with a more reliable manufacturer.
For against one thing is certain, I would probably take with a keyboard finally have multiple master keyboard is convenient to move from one application to another without having to reconfigure everything.