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Thread Whats up everybody!!

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Topic Whats up everybody!!
:cool: I am Florian "Ducci" Starks, I am originally from Birmingham Alabama but my life as a musician has put me in many places such as LA Las Vegas Chicago & many more. I am a Singer/Songwriter/Producer & have my own small entertainment company. I just recently began doing most of my own production because frankly Ive always had someone to do it for me But I have now come to the point where I realized that a TRUE musician is totally & comepletely self contained, I just wish that I had realized It sooner. I have a couple of celeb friends that I am saving for my ace-in-the-hole after I finish my project.
EQIUPMENT: Well I am proud to say that my eqiupment is quite humble, When you hear what I have versus the sound of my tracks you probably wont believe it. I have an MPC-2000 , Casio CTK-591 ($150), SCSI Zip drive & a pc running Magix, Samplitude 7.0 & Cool Edit Pro, thats it! Soon Ill post a track for all to listen to.
Welcome, bro. I love the tunes that sound great and were produced with minimal equipment. Let's hear it!!
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
Welcome Ducci, I look forward to hearing some of your music.
Sorry It took so long , havin computer probs...... anyway heres the music direct links

these are all rough, the way I write is to record & experiment all at the same time so some of the vocals are kinda pitchy because i was thinkin & writing & arrangin bla blah all at the same time so excuse them.
Hi Ducci-

I listened to a couple of your tracks- Muydelicioso and Go On Cheatin. You have a good voice. It's not a genre of music that I'm into, but the talent is there. The production and effects are pretty cool, too.

On Go On Cheatin, the drums/percussion is REALLY distorted. You need to take a look at that- it sounded really bad on my speakers.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
I really appreciate it Axeman, I need all the const. criticizm that I can get. Also, I do/write all kinds of music even rock which i am a huge fan of, all the way from Kansas & Queen to to Weezer S.O.A.D. & The Darkness but I cant find a GOOD band to work with to put down my rock songs. I have this one Nirvana-ish song called No Longer Mine thats a hit But I cant recreate the feel of a real live rock band with an MPC & crappy keyboard so the world cant see what a COMPLETE music machine that I am.....DARN!!!!!