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Thread Glad I found this Place!

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Sujet de la discussion Glad I found this Place!
New to the recording world. I've been playing guitar for over 40 years and recently picked up the violin and taking lessons (what a kick in the butt)

Currently using:

Computer - low end Dell Dimension 2400 2.4G w/ Gig of ram. (no problems yet)
Sound Card InterFaze - SoundBlaster Audigy 2ZS Platinum Plus Pro. (switching to MAudio as soon as I get XPS machine)
DAW - Tracktion 2 2.01 (once i got the latency figured out I can do amazing stuff with it.)
Mixer - Behringer Eurotrack 1204FX Pro. Here in lies the problem. I am trying to figure out how to playback audio 'listen' while laying down a new track. I have figured out how to mute the "record what you hear" and can do single input and play a new track so I can do multi track 'one at a time'. (not sure I'm explaining this correctly). but I'll get into that more in the forums.

Instuments - DR-670 (drum machine), Many VSTi's within Traction, Many Guitars and a Selmer Violin, Yamaha Electric Violin. Oxygen8 midi controler. and this is the start of my studio. I have dreams of MORE and BETTER, but for now I'm need to learn to use what is at hand..

Thanks for this sounding 'board' and look forward to learning and sharing what I learn and have learned.


I figured it out! From the computer "line out" I go to a splitter to line 5/6 on the mixer. If I want to record with out back to another track i simply hit record. If I want to do another track with only an instrument I mute/ the track. I can hear what's playing thru the Alt/3 - 4 slider but have to turn the FX all the way down or off (which is fine don't use them all that much anyway. ya see, reading these forums has helped me already... :-)
