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Thread Hey there

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Topic Hey there
I truly HATE this part of joining a new group! :P Ok, I'm a 41 year old guitar/bass/guitar synth player located in Pottstown PA. (About 25 miles west of Philadelphia.) My current instruments are: 80's unknown model Aria Pro II guitar w/flloyd rose, emg 89 p/u's, and without a doubt the best 80$ (U.S.) I EVER spent!!! (Needed a refinish real bad.) An '84 Roland G707 guitar controller, w/ the GR-700 and the GR-300 synth modulars, a '55 Dan Electro longhorn bass, and a highly modified '88 Charvel Jackson. Amps are a '70's Marlboro transistor, and a '69 Oliver tube amp. (35 "massive" watts of pure tone. :D ) The recording part.... well.... I've got a recycled P1 133mhz with 48megs of ram. (I know, Impressive as hell, huh?) and I'm using cakewalk 8.0. (If anyone wants to donate a new motherboard, cpu, and mem, I would really appreciate it! It really sucks being poor. :( )
I'm looking for freeware studio stuff, you know, synths, recorders, voices and the like. As for musical styles, kinda rock/pop/jazz stuff. (It's hard to describe.) I can send some samples of what I do if anyone is interested. Also, I wouldn't mind working with someone. It seems I work best with a partner.
I guess that's all for now. E-mail me if your'e interested. Later on.
Hello and welcome to you!
I know introducing yourself can be boring, but believe me this is the last time you'll have to do it because you've finally found the best board dealing with home recording ;)

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