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Fender Blues Junior NOS
Fender Blues Junior NOS
Caster Junior Caster Junior

«  A grand cru »

Published on 11/28/11 at 12:49




Difficult to talk about sound not to mention all The elements surrounding the BJ, lintrieur (hp, transformer, lamps) and lextrieur (guitar, microphones, effects) to arrive IN his all as read trs. If you like T Richards sends Honky Tonk Woman in a Tweed Twin, if you are looking for simple hardware with lments cohrents and complmentaires, trs of good quality without (too) breaking the bank, and if you are looking for a vintage sound even when with a little versatility and Versatile here is my cocktail:
Fender Blues Junior Tweed-Ltd: VERY LARGE 15 watts, all tube, class A, SERIES limit tweed dj-clbre BJ, beautiful look, weight rve. With some modifications, it becomes carrment gnial: clean sounds wonderful, warm crunch and sharp, vibrant Evil, magnitude, precision
Chang-output transformer for Mercury: DEFINITIONS actually much more dynamic and incredible.
HP-chang for a Weber 12F150 (without dope cramique 25w) + Weber beam blocker: cest the original Weber C12N Tweed Twin tone with ceramic punch. Excellent speaker for BJ: trs equilibrated (nice bass, mdiums Submitted, crystalline highs), trs trs dynamic and warm, a synthse. LE's Fender. The Beam Blocker (fix to the HP) is a PROCD Designed by Ted Weber allowing acute DTRE less and gives more directional the sound damplitude Despite the small size of Lampl.
-Reverb: Tad three springs, wider and colors that lAccutronic dorigine months.
-Lamps: replacing the original Sovtek, for prampli 3JJ ECC83, 2 JJ EL84 for Lampl. Trs silent and imbalances in the spectrum, do not change the color of BJ. Crunch fantastic.
BJ The standard is good, it is fabulous: no effect, the LE is adj.
Fender Telecaster american ash-maple neck 60th Anniversary: ​​A modernized legends, excellent handle and violin, lgre, microphones perfectible be replaced by
Micro-bridge: Fender noiseless (based on the micro tele 60) Although criticized by some purists (noiseless) its a great versatile and silent micro trs (clear fenderien, crunch Magifique, magical solo) rich in mediums, acute tl (twang), dynamic, bright and warm. Lme of this guitar.
Micro-neck: Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates humbucker (black, without cover, splittable volume by push-pull) Trs versatile, many more possibilities lipstick quavec the original post, he knows everything, thanks possibility of a split: sounds clear and chiselled prcis of single coil, beautiful saturation of humbuckers, allowing incursions into the territories of Strats, Les Paul and even of the electro-acoustic lowering the volume of the guitar. It is driv PAF 59 but with good bass not invasive, least of mediums creuss, crystalline highs trsdtaills (almost a intermdiaire between neck pickup and bridge pickup) .
Strings: Ernie Ball 9-46.
In the order in guitar amp. We can do almost anything with these four small boxes analog, the BJ love the effects.
-Compressor: Fatburner Jacques: Attack scathing in his clear, hot solo prcis coupled with long sustain an overdrive. Effect of water with the modulations. Nuance. Little breath.
-Overdrive: Maxon OD 808: the tube screamer. Although a bit bulky bass and dynamics, it has a grain and warmth Ingals. Complment uses the drive of the amp to add a little gain. (The ocd and the bb preamp are also excellent overdrive but no saturation n'accroche natural BJ)
-Phaser: Electroharmonix nano small stone: Warm, organic, sophisticated. Plan to funk, to trmolo lauto-wha.
-Chorus + Delay: Jacques Prisoner: versatile, mlodieux, Arian, but hot fi, 3 (good) effects in a single box (delay, chorus, flanger and even repeat the background).
NB: You can also stick to the excellent BJ TC Nova system which fits like a glove: versatility.
Power effects: Voodoo Lab 5 iso + patch Cables Planet Waves. Cables and Plugs Proel OFC Neutrik: no breath. Registration: Digitech Jamman or Sennheiser e 906 + NI Komplete Sound card audio Squenceur Ableton Live 6 +.


It's simple, it's beautiful and sounds.
This is just one opinion ... forcment trs subjective.