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JMH Custom Overdrive Special Reverb

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  • laurent.0532laurent.0532

    a myth everyone

    JMH Custom Overdrive Special ReverbPublished on 11/16/14 at 10:34
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    amp 50 watts, two 6L6 tung basement.
    This is a single channel amp, with two floors of gain.

    four 12AX7 EH:
    one for the first gain stage,
    2em for a gain stage,
    one for the effects loop and
    one for the reverb

    two inputs, hi and lo
    volume for the first floor (clean)
    three switch: bright, deep and rock or jazz.
    a three-band eq
    a volume for 2em floor (overdrive) and ratio (rate of gain)
    a presence, a general and a master reverb

    hp outputs with two selector April 8 or 16

    an effects loop

    a switch od / clean and a boost switch, both selectablly foot
    a footswitch input (supplied)

    note has two settings for the internal gain 2em floor, and the l…
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    amp 50 watts, two 6L6 tung basement.
    This is a single channel amp, with two floors of gain.

    four 12AX7 EH:
    one for the first gain stage,
    2em for a gain stage,
    one for the effects loop and
    one for the reverb

    two inputs, hi and lo
    volume for the first floor (clean)
    three switch: bright, deep and rock or jazz.
    a three-band eq
    a volume for 2em floor (overdrive) and ratio (rate of gain)
    a presence, a general and a master reverb

    hp outputs with two selector April 8 or 16

    an effects loop

    a switch od / clean and a boost switch, both selectablly foot
    a footswitch input (supplied)

    note has two settings for the internal gain 2em floor, and the loop.
    (Very tricky to adjust, seek advice from the manufacturer)

    everything is done by hand, the violin has electronics.
    So there is a choice for size, color, shape and weight.
    for sound, mr Herdhuin and very open and the listening.

    I wanted a perfect copy of the dumble with reverb and more.
    that's what I had for tens of thousands of dollars less ...


    its enormous potential for a single-channel amp

    the first volume is very important, it gives the color of the overall sound
    in the beginning of the race, the sound is fine, very clear type blackface.
    Overdrive will be slight.
    this increase in volume, the sound becomes thicker, bigger and more rock overdrive.

    three switches are very effective in changing the character of the sound;
    for, jazz, blues, reggae, rock, fusion,
    in all cases, we arrive to find a good sound adapted to the style.

    eq is subtle but helps equilibrate sound
    it is very complementary to swicth and presence

    we obtain immediately a good sound,
    but when you buy handmade amp, it does not suffice.
    it is revealed that this amp richer possibilities.
    it is very intinctif, there is no manual, but everything is logical.


    I have several amp, mesa f30, fender Vibrolux, JCM800, Vox AC30, but none had a dynamic and rich in sound the same.

    can play roughly with all this amp, as long as we are content to three sounds.

    a clean, which vary slightly in color depending on the settings, but do not even Crunch has high volume.

    overdrive that goes from soft, perfect for blues and jazz (robben ford, larry carlton)
    I ntil big rock with a lot of gain

    and a very effective boost, fixed, usable on the clean and od

    has noted that od is always cohérant with clean when changing sound, since it
    sharing settings

    I connect over a telecaster and a les paul
    I prefer the 1st floor of the volume low enough for a pure sound in very clean
    suddenly, I pushed a little internal gain 2em floor for a super overdrive with pretty low gain front.
    with that, I drilled the mix gently, gracefully.
    the bright and very efficient with my les paul
    the deep hollow mediums for a blackface sound
    the jazz position gives her more dry, perfect for big bands.
    the rock makes its position more load, bigger and powerful


    I have this amp for several months, and I did not have regrets.
    finishing and the whole fabriquation gives confidence in the future.
    for her, this is what I ask, so I'm satisfied.

    I could not etablire value for money.
    compared to the original dumble who negotiates between 40 000 and 65 000 dollars ocaz ...

    or two other rock and Funch which are more expensive anyway.

    I still miss a step back, but for now, I conquered
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