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Boscomac Freezbee and Vertigo Wave

French editor Boscomac has released two new free add-ons for Reaktor, respectively a freeze effect and an Ondes Martenot simulation.

Freezbee is a Native Instruments Reaktor effect that momentarily freezes an incoming signal. A buffer stores a few seconds of sound and keeps it in the air as long as you want with a choice of octave up and down options. You can link the button “freeze” to a controller and act in two modes: GATE or LATCH. There is a low-pass filter to soften the frozen signal and the stereo jitter will change the spatialization of the sound. Originally designed for guitar, Freezbee works with any mono source.

Vertigo Wave simulates the sound of the Ondes Martenot synths. You will need to keep a hand on the keyboard and the other on the modulation wheel in order to get the same effect as the Ondes Martenot.

The instrument provides four tones (Onde, Nasillard, Complexe and Octavian) and you can control the vibrato (velocity and speed), the envelope (attack and release), the filter (cut off and resonance) or the Diffuser (Line/amp and decay). You also have a mono or polyphonic option and a keyboard/ribbon switch, the ribbon option offer a velocity sensitive legato.

Vertigo Wave and Freezbee are available for free.

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