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Roland VB-99

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  • hubertjacquothubertjacquot


    Roland VB-99Published on 08/06/11 at 04:07
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    The processor is modeling for low, I would not stay behind.
    The possibilities are enormous, so the time to master the chard is also, and the result is up. Indeed, he who does not find its sound, you can not do anything for him.
    I personally do not play on the micro noon (or a mix of both low and only one micro micro noon is possible on the GK-3B), for total control of sound.
    Are only output, or I'll go for two amps BK-200 (for spatial effects), in fact because I have a BK-200.
    As you can see, the VB-99 alone is not enough to draw the full potential. ... which requires a serious investment.
    Around so I have a bk-200, an FC-300 for food control and microphone twelve o'clock GK-3B.
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    The processor is modeling for low, I would not stay behind.
    The possibilities are enormous, so the time to master the chard is also, and the result is up. Indeed, he who does not find its sound, you can not do anything for him.
    I personally do not play on the micro noon (or a mix of both low and only one micro micro noon is possible on the GK-3B), for total control of sound.
    Are only output, or I'll go for two amps BK-200 (for spatial effects), in fact because I have a BK-200.
    As you can see, the VB-99 alone is not enough to draw the full potential. ... which requires a serious investment.
    Around so I have a bk-200, an FC-300 for food control and microphone twelve o'clock GK-3B.


    must spend time on it to understand the possibilities. But it is well designed, despite the complexity of interactions, all makes sense. A USB connection allows a soft light to go faster for handling adjustments.


    I would be unable to return to the other model!
    I use a Music Man Sting Ray 5.


    It will soon be two years, and I do not use that here.
    This is definitely the best investment I made.
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