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Thread Beginning recording

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Topic Beginning recording
I am just starting to record stuff on my own. My end goal is to know enough and have enough money to set up a small studio so I can record with my band, but for now I am just doing solo stuff. I am looking into building a computer for recording. right now i have a berhinger eurorack UB802 for a mixer, one crappy no name dynamic mic which came with my pa system which i use for an instrumental mic and one Shure Sm58. I have a computer, but it is crap and I just realized there is no way I can record on that. I need to build one from scratch, and get a recording program. any suggestions?
Alright, sounds good. Thanks a lot, for everything. Better start researcing then.
After building three computers for audio in my studio over the last seven years, I finally got tired of the hassle and bought a ready made system from ADK for about $1100 (no monitor). It wasn't their highest end system, but it suits my needs and it came out of the box tweeked for audio. Their sales people will work with you to determine exactly what you need to fit the way you want to work. Great valus, no hassle.

ADK Pro Audio
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
Well, $1500.00 will get you a pretty strong system actually, but only if you build it yourself, which it sounds like thats what you want to do. Man, so many choices, though. There's AMD vs Intel, which I'm still debating myself, but I'm leaning towards Intel, because of my familiarity with Intel based systems. Yes, its more expensive to buy Intel based systems, but I won't waste any time with surprises and unknown glitches. I'm sure many here will argue my logic.

Where to start? Well, first, there's the motherboard and there are alot of choices now and to come. If you want the new PCI Express graphics format (surely destined to be the standard very soon), then you'll have to choose a board with PCIE slots. DDR or DDR2 memory? DDR2 is faster, but costs more and, again, requires choosing a compatable motherboard. IDE or SATA hard drives? SATA is faster, but again, costs more and requires a compatable mobo.

You have some research ahead of you, my friend, because there are as many choices as there are people that will offer you advice within this and any other online community. My suggestion for a good start is to check out Toms Hardware at http://www.tomshardware.com to check out the tests on many of the latest motherboards. Then go over to http://www.pricewatch.com to rustle up some prices on everything you need. A thousand will get you a good machine for music. $1500.00 will get you a great machine. Spend two grand and it will get you either divorced or kicked out of your house. ;-) Also, start visiting one of the net's best resources, Tweakheadz Lab http://www.tweakheadz.com where you'll learn a ton...no, several tons. Keep us posted and be tenacious in your research, it will pay off, I promise.
well....i guess about $1000 to $1500.
There are alot of choices for building a new computer, but it all depends on how much money you're willing to spend. What is your budget?