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Thread FAsoft DirectX not initializing. What didn't I do?

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1 FAsoft DirectX not initializing. What didn't I do?
Hey, all,
I have a little Q here:

I'm using Cool Edit Pro 2.0, and when I go into the Edit window and call up the FAsoft DirectX compressor, I get an Error window, telling me that my system cannot initialize the FAsoft fx.

I can use my Soundforge DirectX, but the only other stuff I currently have is the FAsoft. Yes, it might appear evident I'm pretty new (!) at this, and I may be missing something obvious. Can't wait to find out what it is...!

Other info about my system:
Intel Celeron 2Ghz CPU; 266 MB DDR RAM; 40 GB Disc space; 7200 rpm Hard disc.
Using CEP 2.0 w/ Tascam US-428 USB interface/controller.

Thanks for your time,
