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Thread Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 stopped working :(

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  • 2 participants
Topic Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 stopped working :(
Hi, my scarlett 2i2 seems to have died. Nothing happens when I connect it to the PC. The green USB light does not come on. If I press the phantom power button, the red light does come on. If I reboot my PC while it is connected via USB, my computer will not boot, giving me a USB initialization error code at post.

Is it dead?

[ Post last edited on 09/23/2016 at 15:32:40 ]

I don't think it is dead because you still have power to your unit. ( the Phantom power led)
I believe the green USB led only lits up if your device is recognized by your computer and the drivers can communicate with your device.

I should think there is something wrong with your driver's. Did you have tried to re- install them or upgrade them?

The fact that your computer will not boot up with the device plugged in gives me the feeling there is something else wrong.
( a damaged USB port / controller perhaps)
Did you try to link the device to another USB port? Better yet can you link your device to another computer as a test?

Please let us know

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 09/29/2016 at 12:11:36 ]