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Thread Problem with install driver focusrite 2i2 2gn

  • 1 comment
  • 2 participants
Topic Problem with install driver focusrite 2i2 2gn
Hello everyone,i tried to install focusrite scarlett 2i2 2gn driver from the official site but problems with installation.Yes i purchase this item and i dont understand.The message when i try to install this is:windows has blocked this software because it can't verify the publisher..pls help me.
thank you!
Hi Nikospan,

Sorry to hear about the issues but happy to help!

It sounds like you will need to update your Windows to allow the driver to install. That update can be found here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=46148

Once the update has been completed, please install the 4.15 driver from here: https://d3se566zfvnmhf.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/focusrite/downloads/31867/focusrite-usb-asio-driver-4-15.exe

After following my suggestions, were you able to install the driver?

Best regards,
David//Focusrite Technical Support