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Thread problem with headphone output

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Topic problem with headphone output
I am not getting output from either headphone outs, using two different pairs of headphones. Here is a link to my mix control setup. 12980898534. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I get plenty of output from my monitors. I have previously had headphone output but had changed the ASIO buffer size from 512 to 1024, because I kept getting announcements that I was running out of cpu, even on very simple sessions with minimal tracks and plugins. I have a decent processor and plenty of ram. I also will get random alerts that the asio device properties have changed and that I need to shut down pro tools for the changes to take effect, even though I have done nothing. This can happen when I am not doing anything, with pro tools open but not playing a session. This may or may not be the same issue as the headphone output issue, but I will say I have had so many problems with my Sapphire pro 40 that I am ready to throw it out the window. Had no problems with my old M-audio interface. I am running pro tools 10 and windows 7 home pro using the legacy driver. Using mixControl version 3.3
Also should add that I have set input and output paths to default values in pro tools.

[ Post last edited on 03/06/2014 at 18:12:19 ]

Hi Drembo,

Apologies that you're having some issues, these seem to be unusual issues with the Pro 40 on Windows 7.
You may wish to download and install the latest beta version 3.4 of Mix Control, available here:


You will not want to run the Legacy Driver on Windows 7 with the Pro40, you should be able to change what driver Windows is using by navigating to:
Control Panel -> Device Manager -> right-click on your Firewire device under IEEE 1394 Bus Host Controllers -> Update driver -> Browse Computer -> Select from list -> select the non-legacy FW driver.

If you are still experiencing some issues, please do raise a case with us via the Contact Support page on our website, this will allow us to help you on a one-to-one basis.

Best regards
Simon // Focusrite Technical Support
Thank you for the reply, I will give it a shot.