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Topic Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 updated to 3.4 software and 2761 firmware and problems came up.
Hello Everyone,

I own a Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 and four days ago I updated the Saffire MixControl to the 3.4 version. When I ran it for the first time it made me upgrade the firmware of the interface to the 2761 version. Now it only works at 48K with Sonar X2. All my projects at 96K makes the interface go crazy by switching between 48 and 96 over and over again (FW active and Locked LEDs starts flashing) until I close the Sonar. The other thing is that even with youtube videos I hear sound clipping even at 1024 Buffer size. Everything used to work perfectly before.

I contacted Focusrite technical support by e-mail, but they have not answer me back.

All I want to know is if its possible to do a firmware downgrade and have the interface work like it used to.

Appreciate any help. Thanx.

Windows 8 Pro 64bit
Intel Core i7-3770 @3.40GHz
16 RAM
Sonar X2 Producer (x2a build 351)
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Hi Jirka,

Please can you start an email case with us to discuss your system and issues:


This is so we can ensure that if you need to downgrade, you have the correct file versions from us to do so.
Many thanks

Simon // Focusrite Technical Support

[ Post last edited on 01/30/2015 at 02:25:43 ]