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Topic Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 updated to 3.4 software and 2761 firmware and problems came up.
Hello Everyone,

I own a Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 and four days ago I updated the Saffire MixControl to the 3.4 version. When I ran it for the first time it made me upgrade the firmware of the interface to the 2761 version. Now it only works at 48K with Sonar X2. All my projects at 96K makes the interface go crazy by switching between 48 and 96 over and over again (FW active and Locked LEDs starts flashing) until I close the Sonar. The other thing is that even with youtube videos I hear sound clipping even at 1024 Buffer size. Everything used to work perfectly before.

I contacted Focusrite technical support by e-mail, but they have not answer me back.

All I want to know is if its possible to do a firmware downgrade and have the interface work like it used to.

Appreciate any help. Thanx.

Windows 8 Pro 64bit
Intel Core i7-3770 @3.40GHz
16 RAM
Sonar X2 Producer (x2a build 351)
Hi Calalo,

Sorry to hear that you are having issues with your Liquid Saffire 56, but I would be happy to help.
Since you mentioned that the sample rates keep switching back and forth, it seems that Windows has a different sample rate set.

To check this, please go to the Playback Device Menu and right click on the Liquid Saffire 56 and choose "Properties".

Then go to the Advanced Tab and choose 96 khz for the sample rate and save the setting.

Finally confirm that your sample rate is 96khz within MixControl.

After doing this, does the sample rates remain the same?

If this issue persists, please call us directly so we can offer real-time support for your device. We can be reached at 310.322.5500 Mon-Fri 8am-6pm PST

Best Regards,
David Joyner // Focusrite Technical Support
I having a sample rate issue similar, but not as bad. I have Saffire 56 and just installed Windows 8.1, I also have Mix Control 3.4 with firmware 2761. So the same setup as yourself.

I have set the sample rate to 44.1khz as suggested by David, however whenever I quit out of Cubase, Protools or any other software that uses the Saffire, the sample rate gets set back to 48khz. Even if I set the Saffire to lock to external ADAT source at 44.1khz it will still change to 48khz. Then I need to go into Mix Control and manually set it back to 44.1khz again before starting any DAW software.... very annoying...

I still have Windows7 setup as a dual boot and everything is fine there so I am fairly certain this issue is a problem with this driver version on Windows8.1

Hope this helps.

[ Post last edited on 09/06/2014 at 23:27:59 ]

Hi Stephen,

You may wish to ensure that Windows is also set to the same sample rate by navigating to Control Panel -> Sound -> Playback -> right-click saffire -> Properties -> Advanced.
If this does not resolve the issue, you can try de-selecting the Saffire within the Playback & Recording tabs, and simply selecting them as I/O within your respective DAW, this has been known to resolve some similar issues.
If you are still having some problems, you may wish to raise a case with us here:


Hope this helps.

Simon // Focusrite Technical Support
FIXED ! (well for me anyway)

I found that the playback and recording sample rate are set separately in the control panel SOUND tool. I had only set the sample rate for playback and record was still set to 48k. Changing the record sample rate to 44.1k has fixed the issue

I hope this helps you Calalo


[ Post last edited on 09/12/2014 at 16:58:59 ]

Simon Focusrite does it again! If only there was a Pete Presonus to help me out with my Studio One 2 crashing for no reason before a single plugin is even activated...
Hi guys,

Glad the issue seems to be sorted, let us know if you need any further help.

Best regards
Simon // Focusrite Technical Support
Hi everyone. Focusrite´s Support team told me to downgrade my firmware to it´s original version and reinstall the previous version of MixControl. They sent me the executable files and proper instructions for the process. I did everything and I got it working again. They suggested that I should not try to upgrade the firmware again until a new version comes up , but if I do, I should keep the files they provided in case the problem persists.

The good thing is that I'm back in business. :D:

Stephen: I understand what you did and that makes a lot of sense, that probably was the main issue of my problem also. I´ll probably try to upgrade again sometime.

Thanks to all.

Hi Calalo,

Glad you're up and running, do please contact us again if you should have any further issues.

Best regards
Simon // Focusrite Technical Support
Quote from Calalo:
Hi everyone. Focusrite´s Support team told me to downgrade my firmware to it´s original version and reinstall the previous version of MixControl. They sent me the executable files and proper instructions for the process. I did everything and I got it working again. They suggested that I should not try to upgrade the firmware again until a new version comes up , but if I do, I should keep the files they provided in case the problem persists.


I probably have the same problem with new firmware.
Could you please send me instructions and files from Focusrite Support?
Thanks a lot.
