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Thread Scarlet 2i2 crashing

  • 2 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic Scarlet 2i2 crashing

I've just installed Scarlett Studio on my new iMac (3,2Ghz, Intel Core i5, 8 RAM, Fusion Drive, Os X Yosemite). At first, I could record only the mic (on 2nd channel). The guitar entry worked did not work and tried it with another guitar. The input light would go on and off. I left the studio for a while and when I came back and prepared toppled with Cubase again, neither of the two entries would light up when singing or playing. I checked the usb cable, changed it to another usb port, checked the audio settings again and again, and nothing. The audio interface do have the power light on, and the light goes on as well when I press the "phantom" button, but nothing more happen. I tried it with Garage Band program provided on the Mac and no sounds seem to get in.

Can someone guide me through this ? I am lacking creativity now to find solutions on that.

Thank you !
*** Updated post due a mistake :oops: ***
*** the Yosemite drivers are for saffire only ***


I think your drivers fail to function.
Do you have the latest version ?
If not that can solve your problems because that some of them are designed for yosemite.

You can download it from the focusrite website.

The fact that the power light goes on tells only there is power. Same for the fanthom power.

I believe the input light ( ring arround the knob) is a feedback function. So if the driver does not work right so does not the ring arround the knobs.

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 01/07/2015 at 04:58:38 ]

Hi Marylili,

Sorry to hear that you are having issues with your Scarlett 2i2, but I am here to help!

It sounds like the device may need servicing due to the behavior that you are describing.

Since the 2i2 is a Class Compliant Device, there is no driver needed with Mac, and you should still be able to hear a signal that is going into the device when using Direct Monitoring.

Please contact our phone support so that we can help you get sorted out!

Phone support is available at (310) 322-5500, Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm Pacific Time.


David // Focusrite Technical Support