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Thread 2 Firewire whit 1 Thunderbolt Adapter

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Topic 2 Firewire whit 1 Thunderbolt Adapter

This My first Post on Forum. I'm fan of Focusrite products at longtime and recently buy a one Apple Quad-Core MacMini Core i7 2.3GHz (2013).

The Mini have 1 Firewire port and 1 Thunderbolt. I intend to purchase a Liquid Saffire 56's FireWire. In Specifications I found this:

"2 x 6 pin FireWire 400 socket - also compatible with FireWire 800 and Thunderbolt"

I suppose can saffire 56 use the 2 Firewire ports to run on full capacity, but the MacMini natively has only one Firewire port. My question is if is possible to use a Thunderbolt > Firewire adapter for have 2 firewire ports on MacMini (1 native + 1 adapted)

Does anyone have information if this adapter cause loss of synchronization, down the performance or failure when use an adapter in ThunderBolt port?



As far as i know the saffire has 8 inputs and can run easely on one port.
The secondary port is to link other audio interfaces so they can be seen as on big interface to the computer side.


Edit: or you need the secondary port if you use both adat ports for a 24 channel configuration.

You shouldn't have any problems connecting that beast. Perhaps simon of focusrite has more information for you.

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 01/09/2015 at 14:07:34 ]

Hi Angelie!

Thanks for the reply. Then I can enjoy this great interface on my Mac, I get more relax about this question now.


Hi RPXmusic,

You should not have any issues when using a Official Apple Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter like this: https://www.amazon.com/Apple-Thunderbolt-to-FireWire-Adapter/dp/B008RXYOKY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420847118&sr=8-1&keywords=thunderbolt+to+firewire+800

Once connected you should see your Liquid Saffire 56 listed on your Firewire Device List in : Apple menu> About this Mac...>More Info> System Report> Firewire.

Just remember to avoid any other adapters being used with the Apple adapter. The chain should be Thunderbolt Adapter> Firewire 800-400 cable> Saffire.

If you should have any issues once connecting the device to the adapter, please feel free to contact us!

Phone support is available at (310) 322-5500, Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm Pacific Time.

Best Regards,

David // Focusrite Technical Support