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Jacques Stompboxes Mercer Box
Jacques Stompboxes Mercer Box
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matdav matdav
Published on 11/27/07 at 11:04
One of distortion pedals, which proposes to combine them into clear, overdrive and fuzz why not! all in a terrible case which have the advantage of not let us opt for pedals that have the mouth and whose lettering and Aesthetics could suggest that it is the top (personally I love the dmarche, it's my ears that I have not the appearance of my pedals board)! it said! (At the same time the same pedals and more beautiful why not ...)


In dpart one is a little apple has several rglages pedals, the first three "hate" "blood" "love" (simplifying "low," middle "and treble" (well it is not as simple as a)! and two others, a knob-level "level" and another "fuzz" (for it is also not as simple as a !)... It looks at the b you and start tweaking the knobs in any sens.Les Premire two hours of use is hell we know more or you are, the more we advance on the effect and it is appl But by saying each knob movements! damn! What is this distortion, fuzz as I like a wahoo, and then no I prfere as a. .. hell exists, Jacques ace cre for us!


The effects are totally plurals, one is entitled to understand and not to drop the case immediately, but if you look at the question we have the impression of reading a book of Perec (the disto instructions )! on a Les Paul Custom Black Beauty as a standard telecaster or a Stratocaster ES 335 it goes something ... to ... DIFFERENT every time! (No essay on Parker Fly, a Hammer or an ESP DSOL ...)


Simply overwhelming especially for once: intelligent ... DSOL to make the poetry on the pedals, but I can not otherwise dcrire !!... matrial the sound and other nerd can go their way, esthtes the pedals and hand painted or there is nothing in it too! persuaded of its vintage and the other patients enchre the blind have no place in this galaxy. For others, welcome to a better world where he finally goes something.

"The news I Could Bring I put up with the king
On His head a year amphetamine crown "
G. Parsons