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Ensoniq mr rack hard/software...PLEASE HELP!!

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Topic Ensoniq mr rack hard/software...PLEASE HELP!!
Hey, I am trying to find out if it's possible to get the software for the Ensoniq mr rack unit by itself. I just want the sounds and not the hardware with it. I have been searching all over and have come out empty handed. I have seen the synth on Ebay but I just want the sounds from it. I don't mean to repeat myself but I am becoming very frustrated. Any help with this would be much appreciated.

Just to let you know I do have one but it's borrowed. I love the sounds in it and my songs have become dependent on this unit. I am using Sonar 8 and Acid to record and would love to be able to control the hardware using both. I have been able to in the past but for some reason now the programs do not recognize the synth, only my interface. But it's the same set-up I've always used. I use Sonar to select the sounds from the rack unit and then play them with my controller through the interface. Anyway again ANY help is appreciated. Thanks!

[ Post last edited on 12/02/2009 at 16:27:43 ]