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DigiTech JamMan
DigiTech JamMan

Looper from DigiTech belonging to the JamMan series

shavarsh shavarsh
Published on 07/03/06 at 05:17
Unlike Florence I think the memory expansion up to 6 hours is a real plus because of this fact can be used to really Jamman many things: looper recorder but also to ask ides quickly and not forget them, but you can still put his guitar backing track to train, what we will not do on a RC20 that has more memory than 11 users!
I takes only 8 because there is not a MIDI sync would be really welcome.


Use a small ncessite half hour of practice to understand everything and everything is clear and APRS on accde quickly what you want.
The manual is in English and succinct enough so I also put 8.


The sound quality is correct, 44.1 16bit, which limits somewhat the dynamics of the instrument but it is really correct for an amateur camera.

Up on 03/07/2006: Korg AX3000G a connection -> Jamman -> Vox Amps, the JamMan DGRAD trs much the sound by adding grsillements on strong attacks, which is really dsagr able. This may just be the fact that there are two more chantillonages (korg JamMan then) but it trtsdsagrable!


It's been two weeks that I use intensment and it's really a tool that every guitarist should have because he is everything and can really move forward, especially if you play alone.
I tried the RC20, which had not really convinced. The JamMan can be is still just too expensive (350 in stores in France).
With exprience, I think j'achterai used the JamMan Lexicon 32s. which has many more possibilities but less recording time.