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Stereoping Synth Controller CE-1

Stereoping Synth Controller CE-1

Other MIDI Controller from Stereoping

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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Stereoping
  • Model: Synth Controller CE-1
  • Category: Other MIDI Controllers
  • Added in our database on: 06/17/2023

The Synth Controller is a highly specialized midicontroller allowing realtime edits on your favourite music synthesizer with 16 knobs. At the moment you dial a knob the Synth Controller sends the appropriate command to your synth which immediately changes it’s sound. Completely independent from software and computers.

The midicontroller will be plugged in between the midi sending device and your synth. It merges incoming midi data with it’s own parameter change commands and forwards both to your synthesizer. Means: you can perfectly fire your synth with midinotes while tweaking it’s sound with the synth controller – realtime.

The 16 dials of the Synth Controller are split in 3 color layers, each knob has printed up to 3 parameters under the knob. By pressing one of the 3 immluminated push buttons you select one of the layers. In consequence you got up tp 48 parameters in direct access.

The Synth Controller also got a built in translator converting incoming ordinary CC (‘Controller Change’) data into the complex Sysex commands. You can remote or automate your parameter changes using Midi-CC data. (Translator only present in editions using SysEx-data for parameter changes).


Other categories in MIDI Control Surfaces

Other names: synthcontrollerce 1, synthcontrollerce1, synth controller ce1