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Gibson SG '61 Reissue

All user reviews for the Gibson SG '61 Reissue

SG-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the SG series

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Value For Money : Poor
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  • cyrille youngcyrille young

    Nice and light ....

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 03/16/13 at 09:34
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Gibson SG 61 reissue made in USA heritage cherry, classic two microphones 57 and 57 + gibson neck slim type 60's 22 frets with the famous head Open Book, as the custom, 02 volumes, 02 tone ... tun o matic .. . etc. in short the SG tradition ..... the body is a little thinner than standard ... it is very light.


    the handle is very nice, but very special, it is quite wide and flat on the back, a little "U" is a bit confusing at first when you just like me a les paul with a big round profile 50's, it really feels like to have nothing in hand ... by against access to acute, it really is .... we reached the Royal 22 nd box .. no difficulty in more than one handle highway ..…
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    Gibson SG 61 reissue made in USA heritage cherry, classic two microphones 57 and 57 + gibson neck slim type 60's 22 frets with the famous head Open Book, as the custom, 02 volumes, 02 tone ... tun o matic .. . etc. in short the SG tradition ..... the body is a little thinner than standard ... it is very light.


    the handle is very nice, but very special, it is quite wide and flat on the back, a little "U" is a bit confusing at first when you just like me a les paul with a big round profile 50's, it really feels like to have nothing in hand ... by against access to acute, it really is .... we reached the Royal 22 nd box .. no difficulty in more than one handle highway ... it's really up to the soloists ... the sound is just good in all positions, even if the most effective position is the bridge pickup with the bite and the bump in the midrange so characteristic the sound of ... what little schoolboy ....


    To play hard rock, this is perfect ... the sound is sharp as a les paul, thinner too, so with a little less sustain, but it also makes sense .. the guitar is vraiement light .. I feel like a toy after going on my Les paul 4.3 Kg .. For blues, I prefer the thickness sustain the les paul ... I branch out marshall class 5 head home and a marshall vintage modern 2466 head in rehearsal and concert ... and I must say that the sound is very vraiement classic 70's Gibson ... The sound ideal for heavy rock and blues rock hard rock ... I'm less convinced on metal records .. but hey it's not made for it .... it is a vocation Vintage guitar.


    I've had a week ... and I suddenly somewhat neglected my trusty Gibson les paul ... I love the sound of this SG microphones are perfect .. (I had the same on my The paul before mounting slash signature ..) I am still a Les paul Addict fan of Slash and Gary ... More oblige but I confess that SG 61 is a great guitar, especially when it comes to play AC / DC, then I have the perfect sound ... Well then it's logical too, SG plugged into a Marshall stack with a small Wampler Plexi-drive in the middle, it helps ...
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  • lamouettasselamouettasse

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 02/21/13 at 21:12
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    C model is a tribute to the original model the SG which was released in 61 of which the name of the beautiful. Differences with the SG standard play on the handle is amazing, the shape of the body, the quality of the wood and pickups. The manufacturing quality is beautiful worth its price. Warning nitrocellulosique.donc varnish it will be long to dry properly and will be "sticky" up to the patina is formed. C Once done nothing wrong. Keep in mind that even when c is extremely flammable varnish distrust with your cigarettes and more!


    The highlight of the guitar neck is wide but not thick profile with a very comfortable and especially an unbeatable access to acute, it m…
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    C model is a tribute to the original model the SG which was released in 61 of which the name of the beautiful. Differences with the SG standard play on the handle is amazing, the shape of the body, the quality of the wood and pickups. The manufacturing quality is beautiful worth its price. Warning nitrocellulosique.donc varnish it will be long to dry properly and will be "sticky" up to the patina is formed. C Once done nothing wrong. Keep in mind that even when c is extremely flammable varnish distrust with your cigarettes and more!


    The highlight of the guitar neck is wide but not thick profile with a very comfortable and especially an unbeatable access to acute, it must try to believe. C is for solo open bar á death. This guitar has a fantastic sound that I would not call with great blows of adjectives as opaque as subjective but personally I find excellent. Very versatile guitar that little is known adjust an amp it will never betray competent guitarist. Light weight is an advantage. If you can climb a rope mechanical correctly do not betray my guitar can go for days without seeing a tuner.


    Nothing to say it will do no problems with sound quality, I advise you not to adjust the tone if you spend a donf next to the potential of the guitar. The sustain is very good and if the guitar is correctemt frisera not settled it. Warning handle reserving an access to Royal acute lack a little wood at the junction with the body and easily clench guitarists tend to do a vibrato effect. That will offset the fixed bridge.


    5a AC is that I have this guitar and c is the mad love. Be careful not to fall into the trap of overprotective considering its price, its varnish is fragile, it must accept and except with vous.allez crazy. I've tried and I like many j scraped away. If you have the means to offer you the try.
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  • phooeyphooey

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 01/03/13 at 10:12
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Characteristics that he knows so I will not add ...


    Guitar very comfortable to play, it has been said, very playful, and beautiful with some style and his body stripped apparent on this beautiful heritage cherry which I never tire more.

    Mild course, it is quite nice when you want to rest a Les Paul but you will not see a real difference with a Fender.
    Brought to Fender, this is my first Gibson, I had a little trouble getting used to nail that sticks a little nitro - matter of practice - and the size of the handle a little surprising at first, but immediately was pleasant and not binding at all.
    It is clear that access to acute is easy and it is an important poi…
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    Characteristics that he knows so I will not add ...


    Guitar very comfortable to play, it has been said, very playful, and beautiful with some style and his body stripped apparent on this beautiful heritage cherry which I never tire more.

    Mild course, it is quite nice when you want to rest a Les Paul but you will not see a real difference with a Fender.
    Brought to Fender, this is my first Gibson, I had a little trouble getting used to nail that sticks a little nitro - matter of practice - and the size of the handle a little surprising at first, but immediately was pleasant and not binding at all.
    It is clear that access to acute is easy and it is an important point when choosing a guitar.
    its a good course, quite nervous, rather an excited chorus guitar but it is true that you can do a lot with.


    The sound of the pickups is good, provided we know what we buy, the classic ben 57 ... classics, with their grain of their own. Guitar nervous demand crunch and distortion but it cleans out the quite interesting though far from those of a Fender.
    No doubt we can change the pickups for something a little better or more appropriate to his style, but they are walking just fine, there's plenty to be satisfied.


    What I like least:
    Mmmh ... not much, in fact, I consider it one of the 4 classical guitar to own, it sounds differently from others, so much the better!
    Price / quality ratio: at this price, it is still expensive but I love!
    Maybe an SG 700 or 800 euros is equally honorable.

    Yes, I would do this choice although I certainly would not say that 6 months ago.

    I will put an 8.5 overall.
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  • KirKillKirKill

    mouais ...

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 10/25/12 at 03:33
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Gibson made in USA Nashville
    Mahogany body type SG
    22 round box with key Mahogany Rosewood, profile 60
    2 microphones classic 57 classic 57 + not for the bridge like Les Paul
    2 tone and 2 volumes + 3-position selector
    Vintage Tulip mechanical
    easel Gibson Tune-O-matic and tailpiece Gibson Stopbar
    Nickel fittings
    Binding on the edge of the handle


    I'll compare it to my Les Paul, even if it's not the same ...
    The weight of the SG is a feather, thickness plays a lot, we gain comfort in the guitar is closer ergonomic level playing sitting body shape gives the impression that the handle up higher
    The saddle still the same problem with the G string tune th…
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    Gibson made in USA Nashville
    Mahogany body type SG
    22 round box with key Mahogany Rosewood, profile 60
    2 microphones classic 57 classic 57 + not for the bridge like Les Paul
    2 tone and 2 volumes + 3-position selector
    Vintage Tulip mechanical
    easel Gibson Tune-O-matic and tailpiece Gibson Stopbar
    Nickel fittings
    Binding on the edge of the handle


    I'll compare it to my Les Paul, even if it's not the same ...
    The weight of the SG is a feather, thickness plays a lot, we gain comfort in the guitar is closer ergonomic level playing sitting body shape gives the impression that the handle up higher
    The saddle still the same problem with the G string tune that has become the norm for Gibson
    The big downside for me was an aspect triangle with base as the neck and body, the side perpendicular to the tailpiece and the strings down side problem found on the SG Standard and 61 RI defect or origin? the question remains open, suddenly it impact the action, there is less comfortable on touch and pick the report is not the same, the answer strings also feel there is a crossbow


    Well then I'll be a little naughty, it lacks the side slim body and the absence of the maple top that necessarily impact the sound is raw stripped dry roots which ... funky plans come out terrible, lack clean presence, and drive is not the slap of the century, 57 are too classic for my taste comes in and accentuate the roots, I fired and replaced by Phat Cat P90 kind of Duncan and there is already better, I found more life and a more organic side of the guitar sounds and finally seems more music, after all it is very subjective I'm a fan of Rock 70s and j ' also love ACDC, Aerosmith, Guns N Roses .... but for the vintage marriage SG P90 + is more than the top 57 classic more comfortable on a Les Paul or ES ...


    For any collector of Gibson SG is like the Les Paul, the ES, the Flyng V, Explorer, Firebird ... it's guitars that have marked the history of rock after there are models more valuable than others to test and know well are needed since it is not given, € 1499 is still Cheros. .. you can have a Les Paul at this price point, I took a shot of heart and it is true that the house there was a small disappointment but once it custom made micro sounds better, but I I always setting you I find it hard to refined despite the lowering of the Tune-o-matic adjustment of the handle, tension remains high and a little frizzy, I'm at the limit of my knowledge, suddenly I feel it will end in the luthier for planimetry, frets seem not equal to something new that makes the custom ...
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  • flatpickingflatpicking

    beautiful red!

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 10/09/11 at 08:40
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Everything has been written on this subject


    amazing race! Very light, a real racing car on German motorway!
    Level setting is the plug-year play! Caution is still the high end so the tone and volume knobs to have a real use ...


    I play everything from blues to metal (and yes we can do it with ...)
    For the blues, it's perfect for the rock is even better! for the metal is avoided Death (quoique. ..) but for the metal a little vintage style sytem of down is cool. This adds a warmth and a small grain vintage very nice feature! Or she is doing the best is in the large rock as Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters etc ...

    I like the midrange crunch an…
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    Everything has been written on this subject


    amazing race! Very light, a real racing car on German motorway!
    Level setting is the plug-year play! Caution is still the high end so the tone and volume knobs to have a real use ...


    I play everything from blues to metal (and yes we can do it with ...)
    For the blues, it's perfect for the rock is even better! for the metal is avoided Death (quoique. ..) but for the metal a little vintage style sytem of down is cool. This adds a warmth and a small grain vintage very nice feature! Or she is doing the best is in the large rock as Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters etc ...

    I like the midrange crunch and distortion. As against its clear that ç has depends on the plays arpeggios and picking it top to play a rhythmic helmed by example, I find that it really lacks bass. But then I connect to my telecaster ca ...


    Very good scratch I recommend, I tried the standard before, excelente guitar too, but drier and less present then the handle of the slim tapper 61 is a level above! 9 for the lack of bass in the clear
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  • vaNityvaNity

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 08/05/05 at 15:31
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    [edit] I redo my review a little more srieusement ...

    Made in the United States
    22 frets - 2 '57 Classic Humbuckers Reissue
    Bridge type Tune-o-matic
    Gibson usual setup: 1 volume and 1 tone + 1 micro selector 3 positions
    '60 race typ ... rather thin, is well in hand, it is for the top rhythm going alone for soli, trs trs is good.


    As mentioned above the handle is trs enjoyable but it is subjective and everyone gots its morphology, but it is certainly not an Ibanez neck ... Now I am used to and I apprcie much.

    Access in acute is magic, we are talking about an SG not say much more!

    The interface is ... magic too. Lgre, it makes perfect body with the guita…
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    [edit] I redo my review a little more srieusement ...

    Made in the United States
    22 frets - 2 '57 Classic Humbuckers Reissue
    Bridge type Tune-o-matic
    Gibson usual setup: 1 volume and 1 tone + 1 micro selector 3 positions
    '60 race typ ... rather thin, is well in hand, it is for the top rhythm going alone for soli, trs trs is good.


    As mentioned above the handle is trs enjoyable but it is subjective and everyone gots its morphology, but it is certainly not an Ibanez neck ... Now I am used to and I apprcie much.

    Access in acute is magic, we are talking about an SG not say much more!

    The interface is ... magic too. Lgre, it makes perfect body with the guitarist, is the jouabilit gniale, controls many places, everything is perfect or close. The right arm is free trs, rather than on an LP.

    The sound is neutral base rich trs, trs ample, it is a Gibson: he is bold, but smooth and controllable trs, the output power is important, it is the guitar that my set sounds of "greatest". The vacuum is its low trs, paradoxically, but also in step d is shorter than a Start, which sounds louder empty compared.
    It is a road that takes scratches pop like hard rock without blinking. The metal is playable too, that he always associates with EMG 81/85 sampiternels, if one has an amplification which it lends.

    The pickups are trs expressive and I love it on a Gibson double speak is to leave the game with many nuances DEFINITIONS is, each note of a full agreement with distortion means and not the slurry dgueu sound: it is smooth, juicy, magic once again, when we used to low-end guitars we take his snaps ...


    It should be my (my) style (s) of music simply because it is versatile and trs trs expressive (I know I RPET but it's really a character who rise) is a guitar FULL.

    Regardless of my config, not the topic, but you really know I think Gibson as a guitar player, many will be conquered.


    Dj 1 year between us and despite a few weeks boudages I love more than ever!

    The particular feature I like most? Y'en full, but it combines beauty class dlicieuse and sound, I found many more characters than a Start or a Tele (even if I owns and loves the two instruments), is a real need to know bte wild tame, no doubt.

    The report is difficult to judge qualitprix ... especially when you see that much will MODELS Gibson there ten years ... half, at the very least, it says it is dropping prices and to be held in 1600 is an excellent value q / p in my opinion and really Whereas an acquisition.
    It is a wonder.

    With the experience .. how do you know, I like change so if you had come back to a rear I would choose probably other models to regret it but then I was like, forget this and then retain just that I do not regret this purchase, however I apprcie increasing with time and use and never think to sell it!

    Then as they say, the price is forgotten, the quality remains. . .

    For over srieuse my review?
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  • fredianfredian

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 06/03/06 at 13:43
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Guitar factory in the United States, affects 22 boxes, 2 humbucker pickups
    rglages: slecteur a microphone, two volume knobs and two tone (a micro)

    On Aesthetics perspective, I find this beautiful guitar by its original form, which dmarque of "classic" Les Paul and Start. In addition, CHARACTERISTICS of this model, the black plate on the table is Reduces to a minimum (unlike other models standard), which makes the guitar even more value my opinion. Just a shame it makes me think of inviting AC / DC, group that I do not like (fortunately, others scratch like Brian Molko for example, have adopted).


    Extremely simple and extremely comfortable: the handle as thinner th…
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    Guitar factory in the United States, affects 22 boxes, 2 humbucker pickups
    rglages: slecteur a microphone, two volume knobs and two tone (a micro)

    On Aesthetics perspective, I find this beautiful guitar by its original form, which dmarque of "classic" Les Paul and Start. In addition, CHARACTERISTICS of this model, the black plate on the table is Reduces to a minimum (unlike other models standard), which makes the guitar even more value my opinion. Just a shame it makes me think of inviting AC / DC, group that I do not like (fortunately, others scratch like Brian Molko for example, have adopted).


    Extremely simple and extremely comfortable: the handle as thinner than a Les Paul, and by the shape of the guitar, the grip and Access in the most acute are ISSA. In addition, its low weight further increases the playability Finally, like all the gibson, the DSIR's easy to get by adjusting the knobs of his convenience Tone (I personally am a fan of this combination with 2 tone selectors, because I think it really helps to refine its sound. Too bad that all brands do not do much, most of the guitars have not only on February 2 knobs, one volume and a Tone.


    So the more nuanced since I 'o the era I did, I also possdais a les paul studio silent my favorite, so I'll have a tendency to compare the LP: First, the sound is sharper and more acute than Defines an LP studio (a good place then). I think this guitar is versatile trs, with an area of ​​prdilection to rock (all styles) and hard. the sound is fat (typically gibson) but cooler than a les paul. However, the weak point in the noise level (always if I compare the LP), is the lack of sustain (and deep) due to the low weight of the guitar and the delicacy of her features, and lack of PCHE and power, parliaments crying when connecting an LP in the crowd. Therefore, I would say (but only my opinion) that the sound of the SG is less than a typical Les Paul.


    I used this guitar for 3 years, PERIOD which she acted as a two guitar, since I prfrais my les paul studio (I have also been sold), some may cry the hrsie, but hey, everything depends on what you search! I personally am a fan sounds heavy, hot and drooling of Les Paul, and their loudness and sustain (CHARACTERISTICS not the strong point of the SG, compared with the well-LP sr). I agree that it is somewhere bad, but I am convinced that if I had had it, my opinion does have some diffrent (even if I ended up inmanquablement dlaisser for the les paul). That said, it's a great guitar, I was lucky enough to get me to 650 euros from an individual (later, a salesman told me that the handle silent defective, so it is possible that my impressions at the nuances of his coming), and I highly recommend anyone who is not a fan of Les Paul (the two are complementary MODELS, three guitars possder to me to be truly complete as a Les Paul, an SG and a Start) or seeking something else, may be of intermdiaire between an LP and a fender.
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  • binwoodbinwood

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 05/26/07 at 16:15
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - United States of course nashville

    the rest and said

    - The neck is quite flat compared with a Lespaul, large enough in comparison with a stratovolcano.

    supplied with the flycase with lock (even if has not used much)


    The handle is very pleasant, the action is fabulous, hand gliding on its own, after playing with the thumb is not necessarily the most practical but in Gibson's what you can find better
    access to the treble do not think about it, is a naturally
    The guitar weighs his weight all the same, but a blade of grass versus a lespaul, unlike what one might think it is very enjoyable sitting
    Sound, it's plug and play, it is obtained very easily

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    - United States of course nashville

    the rest and said

    - The neck is quite flat compared with a Lespaul, large enough in comparison with a stratovolcano.

    supplied with the flycase with lock (even if has not used much)


    The handle is very pleasant, the action is fabulous, hand gliding on its own, after playing with the thumb is not necessarily the most practical but in Gibson's what you can find better
    access to the treble do not think about it, is a naturally
    The guitar weighs his weight all the same, but a blade of grass versus a lespaul, unlike what one might think it is very enjoyable sitting
    Sound, it's plug and play, it is obtained very easily


    The sounds are enormous, it is an extremely versatile guitar you can play all styles, jazz, funk, rock, metal, blues and everything will be ridiculous in any way

    I use it with a small amp right now the time to do it again, but even in this one it behaves very very good, you feel the difference on any amp rotten in which you can plug it

    if I plan to buy a orange (Tiny Terror + cab or AD15) or a marshall JTM which I would add a big muff and other effects including electro harmonix (well you have to redo all the same before ^ ^)

    J'utile of all sounds, I play funk, 70's psyche rock, blues, hard rock, Delta blues

    it is beautiful in all these areas, I do not really sound that I hate,

    plain beautiful on it behaves in saturation I do not even speak ^ ^

    but I want to emphasize a point is the sustain, the delta blues is wonderful, it really is not just for hardos, it can sound an harmonic, take a caf and return it will always be, I think it is a particularly impressive from all other guitars I've tried, gives a whole new dimension to the sound

    more it vibrates around, so when I jou the first time I said to myself, this is not possible is a eletro acoustics or what, was chilling we really feel that the guitar is part of our body


    I have been using qques weeks, what I like most is the sound, I like least, I would say the lack of vibrato, but I will invest in a Bigsby.

    it still costs a lot, but you know what we want is the guitar of a lifetime, personally I got into an opportunity at the cost of standard equipment hh, nearly New (2005) on ebay

    it's really a guitar dream, the dream justifies the excesses, the price ...
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  • ericthegreatericthegreat

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 09/21/11 at 23:08
    I finally got my hands on one of these for an unbelievable price, ( even though I wish I could have got it many years ago when I first started looking) and I am completely satisfied. Before I picked this up, I was playing with an American Deluxe strat for everything but metal, which I used my Jackson Kelly for. That strat could pull out any tone imaginable, except that Gibson "honk" that comes from that solid, Mahogany body and Gibson pickups. I've always wanted a Les Paul, but didn't want to pay the ridiculous price for one, not too mention the chiropractor bills after a night on stage due to the LPs weight. You can get one of these for around 2 thousand online, or you can do your researc…
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    I finally got my hands on one of these for an unbelievable price, ( even though I wish I could have got it many years ago when I first started looking) and I am completely satisfied. Before I picked this up, I was playing with an American Deluxe strat for everything but metal, which I used my Jackson Kelly for. That strat could pull out any tone imaginable, except that Gibson "honk" that comes from that solid, Mahogany body and Gibson pickups. I've always wanted a Les Paul, but didn't want to pay the ridiculous price for one, not too mention the chiropractor bills after a night on stage due to the LPs weight. You can get one of these for around 2 thousand online, or you can do your research and you may see one locally somewhere if you live in a decent sized city or a town that is big on music. But there are music lovers and collectors everywhere!


    I decided to try an SG and fell completely in love with them. The '61 reissue covers that classic rock n roll sound perfectly. The pickups are, surprisingly, not muddy. The neck pickups has tons of clarity and brightness, unlike the often dark and undefined tones of most Les Pauls on the neck pickups. When playing both pickups, this guitar's "wood" sound stands out as a nice contrast to both pickups on their own, especially as you adjust volume on one of the pickups to pull one out in front of the other. The warmness of the 57 Classics is instantly noticeable. The double cutaway allows for immediate access to the upper registers. The guitar's intonation was also spot on, and the strings weren't sticking in the nut, surprisingly.


    I love how the distorted sounds are, they are amazing!


    I would highly recommend this for anyone wanting a classic instrument that will be a lifelong companion and investment. Beats any Les Paul, in my opinion, and gives you more bang for the buck. No pun intended towards Les Paul.
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  • discozekdiscozek

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 02/08/08 at 17:16
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Everything has been said.
    except the nitrocellulose varnish can be ... so be careful not to leave too long in contact with plastic support, there could occur a chemical reaction that would dissolve the varnish.


    The handle "slim type 60" is a marvel, you have well in hand as it is wide, but in parallel it is very fine so no problem to play.
    by on access to acute, the very construction of the skyscraper and the thickness of the handle make it ideal for the beast solo hardcore.
    again, this SG is very light and balanced so that it pitches down, which can be negative if there is something else at the same time (eg, a guitarist singer who does not play the song in ful…
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    Everything has been said.
    except the nitrocellulose varnish can be ... so be careful not to leave too long in contact with plastic support, there could occur a chemical reaction that would dissolve the varnish.


    The handle "slim type 60" is a marvel, you have well in hand as it is wide, but in parallel it is very fine so no problem to play.
    by on access to acute, the very construction of the skyscraper and the thickness of the handle make it ideal for the beast solo hardcore.
    again, this SG is very light and balanced so that it pitches down, which can be negative if there is something else at the same time (eg, a guitarist singer who does not play the song in full). However, this specificity makes the shovel to fear for the health of their vertebrae (the balance in mind allows a better distribution of weight, not only on a shoulder).
    for her, again, it's magic. there's a void to hear it ringing. but it is connected, it is a donut in the monumental geule. incisive, scathing in treble and bass round and deep shoeing anyone salivate.


    It is a skyscraper that would suit all styles of music (thank you to the "classic 57 pickups"), but it is very punchy and therefore the clean is pretty special, it's a "false clean".
    I used it on different amps: a transistor (Marshall MG50dfx) and lamps (Marshall 1987x, Orange ad30htc, Fender Hot Rod Deluxe), she always made a great, although I think it speaks divinely with Orange (the basses of Orange and those of the SG marry to perfection (a must-try)). obtained with this union and an adjustable treble are emphasized or a terrible sin, the crunch has ACDC ideal for frenzied solos.
    it is in this size it is best expressed, powerful and cantankerous: a sound image.


    How not to be dythirambique is such a joy to use, it makes you want to go on and repeats, concerts, or "live in bedroom."
    Everything is great on this skyscraper: microphones, wood, sound, weight, race and even the balance, although the latter may bring different views.
    I play dozens of guitars (mostly Fender, Gibson, Gretsch) and for me it is she who has the most strengths.
    the quality of the Beast is outstanding but the price remains that of a Gibson. of course I recommend trying it if you get the chance.
    Whatever happens, I referrer to 1000 times that choice and not part with it until the undertaker me tear my fingers stiffened.
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  • iamqmaniamqman

    Iconic classic!!

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 06/30/11 at 15:26
    One of my favorite guitars have to the Gibson SG. One of my all time favorite bands plays this guitar exclusively. Well at least the lead guitar player plays an SG and if you don't know who I'm talking about it's AC/DC.

    Angus Young has played an SG guitar for the entire career of the band as far as I know. If you want to get that classic rock AC/DC tone then I would suggest getting a solid sounding Gibson SG.

    The old ones or the first ones produced had Les Paul written on the truss rod cap and Les Paul got upset because he hated the look of the SG and then later Gibson removed it.


    Gibson SG 61 Reissue Specifications:

    Manufactured in: Nashville, TN

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    One of my favorite guitars have to the Gibson SG. One of my all time favorite bands plays this guitar exclusively. Well at least the lead guitar player plays an SG and if you don't know who I'm talking about it's AC/DC.

    Angus Young has played an SG guitar for the entire career of the band as far as I know. If you want to get that classic rock AC/DC tone then I would suggest getting a solid sounding Gibson SG.

    The old ones or the first ones produced had Les Paul written on the truss rod cap and Les Paul got upset because he hated the look of the SG and then later Gibson removed it.


    Gibson SG 61 Reissue Specifications:

    Manufactured in: Nashville, TN

    Species: Mahogany

    Species: Mahogany
    Profile: 1960 slim-taper
    Peghead Pitch: 17°
    Thickness at 1st fret: 0.800"
    Thickness at 12th fret: 0.895"
    Heel Length: 0.625"
    Neck Joint Location: 22th fret
    Headstock Inlay: Crest

    Species: Rosewood
    Scale length: 24 3/4"
    Total Length: 18.012"
    Nut Width: 111/16"
    Width at 12th fret: 2.062"
    Frets: 22
    Inlays: Trapezoid
    Binding: single-ply

    Plating Finish: Nickel
    Bridge: Tune-o-matic
    Tailpiece: Stopbar
    Knobs: Black Top Hat with silver inserts

    Neck Pickup: '57 Classic humbuckers
    Bridge Pickup: '57 Classic humbuckers
    Controls: Two volume, two tone, three-way switch

    Gibson Hardshell Case
    Exterior: Black
    Interior: White
    Silkscreen: Gibson USA logo

    Brite Wires .010-.046


    The tone of the SG is a more subtle Les Paul sound. You get that tight thick crunch from the mahogany wood and the less wood involved thins out the tone a little bit but not in a good or bad way,...just different way.

    Another great tonal feature in this guitar is that you don't have to reach as hard for the upper fret register as you would with a Gibson Les Paul. trying to climb your way up to the 20th fret can be a bit difficult on a Les Paul, but not on the SG. You have more control of the fret board and the upper frets. The fret board seems a little more flat on top too. Just a different feel than a standard Gibson Les Paul.


    At new these guitars come in at around $1,999. That isn't bad compared to a new Gibson Les Paul. You can even find them all over the classifieds for about 40% of that cost.

    I would recommend this to anyone who loves the tone of a Les Paul but wants to thin it out a bit and have it a little bit more focuses in tone. These are great guitars and will be an iconic guitar for years to come.
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  • tjon901tjon901

    Accurate reissue of the 1961 Les Paul

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 06/30/11 at 11:31
    In the early 60s Gibson was looking to change up the Les Paul and lower their production costs. In 1961 Gibson came out with a new version of the Les Paul and it is what we call the SG today but back then for a few years this was the Gibson Les Paul. Gibson was looking to lower the production costs of making their guitars so they simplified the design a little bit. To do this they redesigned it to have a flat top and double cutaways. They got rid of the maple top so the body is just mahogany. The early small pickguard SG's are my favorites. This guitar has a 60s profile neck so it is nice and thin and fast. It has dual Gibson 57 classic pickups. Each pickup has its own volume and tone contr…
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    In the early 60s Gibson was looking to change up the Les Paul and lower their production costs. In 1961 Gibson came out with a new version of the Les Paul and it is what we call the SG today but back then for a few years this was the Gibson Les Paul. Gibson was looking to lower the production costs of making their guitars so they simplified the design a little bit. To do this they redesigned it to have a flat top and double cutaways. They got rid of the maple top so the body is just mahogany. The early small pickguard SG's are my favorites. This guitar has a 60s profile neck so it is nice and thin and fast. It has dual Gibson 57 classic pickups. Each pickup has its own volume and tone control and are switched with a 3 way switch. It has 22 frets on a rosewood fretboard with trapezoid inlays. The headstock has 6 Gibson Kluson tuners.


    One of the big advantages of the SG had over the Les Paul it was intended to replace was playability. The SG was designed in such a way to give better fret access than the earlier Les Paul. The neck is not mounted as deep into the body as is with the Les Paul. The 60s profile neck also helps playability. The 50s Gibson neck profile is very big and some people find it hard to play. This design gives it a few problems. The early SG's like this one have weak neck joints. The neck joint on SG models is very weak compared to Les Pauls or even bolt on guitars. This weak neck joint makes some SG's prone to going out of tune. With the neck mounted so far out on the body and the body being so thin and light, SG's are prone to neck dive. When playing an SG standing up you may find yourself holding up the neck due to this awkward balance between the neck and the body. This can be solved by moving the strap peg to the upper horn like on Tony Iommi's SG guitar.


    Due to the thinner body than a Les Paul these guitars have a brighter more crispy tone. The Classic 57 pickups are modern day imitation of the classic PAF pickup that Gibson made famous. With the Classic 57 PAF style pickups this guitar is a blues and rock machine. The 57's have just the right amount of sag in the tone so you can really work the dynamics like you would with a set of real vintage pickups. The neck pickup is super smooth and when you throw in some tone knob you can get that sour tone like you have a parked wah on. The bridge pickup has a little more bite and spank to it. With some gain you can get good classic rock tones from the bridge pickup. These pickups can handle more gain than a set of PAF's could. Because of their modern design they retain their composure longer than a set of old pickups could. If you are looking for a metal sound a set of Seymour Duncans or EMG's can drop right in and completely change the dynamics of the guitar.


    The 61 Les Paul is one of my favorite guitars. Many people do not know th ehistory of the model. I feel bad when people call real 61-63 Les Pauls SG's. Anyways, the 61 reissue is a great guitar and a faithful replication of the 1961 Les Paul. The guitar has all the beautiful cares and bevels that the old SG's had. This guitar is versatile and very easy to play. Everyone should have an SG in their collection.
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  • Phil_GuitarPhil_Guitar

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 12/12/09 at 19:25
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Previous Notices CF & Gibson site ...

    Well, I pause 2 seconds on this page Notice the theme of the Gibson SG '61 Reissue.

    I read at the notices posted, and for quite a few other guitars LP or SG style comments about the lack of vibrato.

    You should know that the time it was "trashing" a guitar of this type to install a tremolo is definitely over.

    Manufacturers of parts for guitar spoke extensively on this painful problems and provided solutions that require absolutely no intervention on stringed guitars.

    I urge you to go look for example on pages Schaller or StetsBar to name a few to find your happiness
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    Previous Notices CF & Gibson site ...

    Well, I pause 2 seconds on this page Notice the theme of the Gibson SG '61 Reissue.

    I read at the notices posted, and for quite a few other guitars LP or SG style comments about the lack of vibrato.

    You should know that the time it was "trashing" a guitar of this type to install a tremolo is definitely over.

    Manufacturers of parts for guitar spoke extensively on this painful problems and provided solutions that require absolutely no intervention on stringed guitars.

    I urge you to go look for example on pages Schaller or StetsBar to name a few to find your happiness
    etc. ...
    PS: As these parts are interchangeable, good advice, put the originals in a little box somewhere tidy, it will be very useful if it is to sell the guitar, and you can reuse the majority of cities on a vibrato another guitar ...


    Wonderful instrument, light, easy to play, etc. ... etc. ...


    FC Previous Notices


    Super guitar.
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  • doudlaripette75doudlaripette75

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 01/19/10 at 13:43
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    this guitar is quite simply sublime, I had never played on a guitar like c pil hair style rock of the 60s just loves j
  • kid_paddllekid_paddlle

    Gibson SG '61 ReissuePublished on 03/25/10 at 05:43
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    see more opinions!


    The handle is it nice? a real motorway and not limited to 130!

    08/02/2011's edit: the only weakness that sticks nitro lacquer hand !!!!!!!!

    Ergonomics is it good (in terms of shape, weight ...)? pic of the head but nothing nasty

    Access to acute (last string) Is it easy? nothing to say impeccable

    Do you get a good sound easy? you plug it fucks it all back and it sounds BLAH


    Are they suitable for your style of music? undoubtedly made for the blues / rock

    What kind of sound you get and with what settings ("crystalline", "fat ",....)? its pretty fat but less than bcp les paul and better defined than a sg standard

    With what …
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    see more opinions!


    The handle is it nice? a real motorway and not limited to 130!

    08/02/2011's edit: the only weakness that sticks nitro lacquer hand !!!!!!!!

    Ergonomics is it good (in terms of shape, weight ...)? pic of the head but nothing nasty

    Access to acute (last string) Is it easy? nothing to say impeccable

    Do you get a good sound easy? you plug it fucks it all back and it sounds BLAH


    Are they suitable for your style of music? undoubtedly made for the blues / rock

    What kind of sound you get and with what settings ("crystalline", "fat ",....)? its pretty fat but less than bcp les paul and better defined than a sg standard

    With what (s) amplifier (s) or effect (s) do you play? Vox AC 30 cc2x overdrive and mid blue pro audio.


    For how long have you been using it? 1 year

    Did you try many other models before getting this one? tries of the standard model.

    What thing do you like most/least about it? KEEPING least the agreement of a small adjustment nut is required.

    Knowing what you know now, would you make the same choice? Unhesitatingly
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