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I'm new + Q:Edirol PCR 80

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Topic I'm new + Q:Edirol PCR 80
Hello everyone,

I'm new on this forum. To introduce myself I'll tell you a bit with what I do and work with:

I'm in a band, we make electronic industrial rock. We are in the proces of finishing a cd and getting a website up and running. When that's all done I'll let you guys know where you can listen to or music. I think it's quite interesting for most of you, because we do everything at home in our own studio.
In the band I play keys and help with mixing.

Next to the band I compose my own songs. I really see that as my own thing, for the style is a lot different than what we do with the band. I work with Ableton live 5 and reason 2.5. I program my own beats, slap together my own sampler patches, make my own synth patches, play guitar, I sing, write lyrics and I'm also focusing on learning more about EQ's and compressors to make everything sound clear.

Now my question: I bought an Edirol PCR 80, but i can only make a few of the buttons on the keyboard work. The three just under the knobs don’t work.

I've tried connecting it through USB and MIDI, they both have the same problem. All the sliders and knobs work fine. The problem is I can only get three buttons to work

I already tried re-installing the drivers and I tried it on two different computers. On both there's the same problem.

Does anyone know what's going on? Has anyone had the same problem?

I really hope anyone has a answer! Thanks!

Greetings from RacoonReason