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M-Audio Fast Track
M-Audio Fast Track
sorgen  :shoot: sorgen :shoot:
Published on 06/12/06 at 08:15
I do not specify the features, just look at this site.
I bought it for registered Guitar, Synth, Bass and Voice ... basically to make my demo.
Hardware, I use it on a PC with P4 2.8 Ghz, 768 MB RAM, 160 GB hard drive, finally something that runs well ...
It is very simple but well set, the Fast Track works perfectly.


Installation is simple, but I knew a problem comptatibilité loprsque I wanted to install it on my laptop, Packard EasyNote C3300 Belle ... and nothing to do, excessive latency and parasite when recording ...

With the tower described above everything works perfectly and the latency is 6 ms since using the ASIO4ALL driver (freeware particularly effective)


The drivers are stable, overall it works well with the software I use (Cubase SX3 and Audacity for samples quickly ...), as well as VST (GuitarSuite, Cortex ...)
Latency level, I'm really satisfied with ASIO4ALL 6ms.
For cons, the defects:
It can only record one track ...
Entry guitare.instru delivers a really low level, it is therefore essential to use a preamp with simultaneous HP, otherwise it is very very low.
The microphone input (XLR) it has a built-in preamp that works not too bad for the voice, it suits me me.

Biggest problem for the guitar input (remember that the FT is made to the source!)


I use it for 6 months.
For my use (samples and recording demo) it works very well despite that I am missing some devices (a good monitor and a console).
I have tried any models before, and I bought it for its price and very attractive because the opinions I read were pretty good.
The value for money is really good.
I remake that choice if I were to buy a sound card, but you definitely need a preamp.

CONCLUSION: If you have a preamp, it's all good ... Otherwise plan to buy one for a correct result.