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Thread Recording Audio From iPad

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Topic Recording Audio From iPad
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Hey So I guess some Specs first so we know what we are dealing with.

Ableton Live 9 Beta (It happens to me on 8 as well), Dell Studio Core 2 Duo with 4 Gb ram. Focusrite Scarlett 8i6. KRK Rokits RP6.

I have got an iPad with ReBirth on it and I have been trying to record a basic kick, snare, HiHat Pattern from rebirth on the iPad via audio through the scarlett into Ableton.

Trouble is it has a really bad hiss when I take the signal through the scarlett. When I listen with headphones direct into the iPad it sounds perfect, clarity is great, when I listen with the iPad speakers its the same..clarity is fine. but once I put the signal through any of the inputs on the scarlett I get this noise. chainging from line to instrument or hi-gain to low-gain simply reduces or boosts the volume of the noise (along with the audio I want)..as you would expect.

I am thinking it has something to do with the cable I am using to take the audio from the iPad into the scarlett. It has to be mini Jack (from the iPad)into 1/4 inch at the scarlett so Im using a simple headphone jack adapter. I have tried two different cables but they both have the same problem.

Is the signal coming from the iPad too much for the cable maybe?
has anybody else tried recording audio from an iPad before?

any help would be great thanks.