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A Quick Tour of Summer NAMM 2014 in Nashville

Summer NAMM: A Condensed Travelogue

If you've got three minutes to spare, check out this Audiofanzine video travelogue, and experience what it's like to attend the Summer NAMM show in Nashville.

Our Summer NAMM section is full of videos we shot of new products introduced at the show. This video is different. It’s designed to give you the flavor of what it was like to attend NAMM in Nashville. We hope you enjoy it. 

  • minihendrix 10 posts
    New AFfiliate
    Posted on 07/24/2014 at 02:31:49
    Is that Elvis, himself, driving from the airport?!?


    Cool shades, bro...

  • Mike Levine 1066 posts
    Mike Levine
    Site Admin
    Posted on 07/24/2014 at 09:15:40
    You might just be onto something there. I hadn't considered the Elvis angle, but it would explain a lot. As soon as I got in the cab, the driver asked if I had any Seconal or Valium I could spare, and then he stopped on the way into town and bought a 12-pack of donuts, which he proceeded to eat in about 5 minutes while simultaneously whistling "Mystery Train."

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