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Thread hard choice to make, Motu 828es vs Rme UFX I vs Clarett + 8 pre

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Sujet de la discussion hard choice to make, Motu 828es vs Rme UFX I vs Clarett + 8 pre
Hi everyone !
Currently looking to upgrade from my SSL 2 to a "better" sound interface, mainly to get more outputs and some solid gear that lasts. I have been navigating the sea of products out there, keeping in mind that I do want a good deal in terms of Bang for the Buck. I have found 3 products I think fit my desires perfectly, but I wanted to ask for other people's opinions on them. The Motu looks awesome I must say I'm quite inclined towards it, especially with the control room features. Drivers seem to be possibly an issue, but I think I can figure that out, I know my around a computer. RME obviously, as everyone preaches their products, I found that the first gen UFX would be in budget and a solid option. Is RME really worth it? Lastly, the Clarett + 8 pre, on paper looks amazing in terms of value but without cool buttons like the Motu. I would be looking at second-hand market as my budget is rather limited. I found both the motu and the rme for 800e, the scarlett for 680e.
Curious to hear from you guys.

Thanks for reading, :bravo:
