[Feature Article] Ratio and Threshold in a Compressor - A guide to mixing music - Part 30
This week we'll proceed with the final steps of the method to learn about the sonic impact of the main parameters of a compressor. After having seen the attack and release times, now it's the turn of…
[Feature Article] Attack and Release in a Compressor - A guide to mixing music - Part 29
In this installment, I'll show you a way to set a compressor that helps you understand what each parameter does. This method is by no means the ultimate solution, however it ought to help you grasp t…
[Feature Article] A review of the Audio-Technica ATH-M7… - The Hear and Now
If you’re serious about your production work, you probably should have at least one pair of premium headphones in your studio. They’re extremely helpful both when mixing and tracking, and the more ac…
[Feature Article] Panning to the Extremes - LCR panning can make your mixes come alive
Conventional mixing wisdom states that when panning elements in a mix, you’re free to utilize the entire left-to-right spectrum. With the exception of elements like kick, snare, bass and lead vocal t…
[Feature Article] Understanding Compressor Parameters - A guide to mixing music - Part 28
Now that we've discussed the possible uses for compression, let's take a look at the way a compressor works. To do that, I'll explain to you, in a theoretical way, the different parameters commonly f…
[Feature Article] Why We Compress - A guide to mixing music - Part 27
In this second installment dedicated to dynamics processing during mixdown, we'll take some time to discuss the whys before moving on to the hows.
[Feature Article] Dynamics Processing 101 - A guide to mixing music - Part 26
This week we'll tackle dynamics processing during mixdown, a very thorny subject if there ever was one...To approach the topic in the best way possible, it's useful to begin with a quick rundown of t…
[Feature Article] Which Comes First? - A guide to mixing music - Part 25
Before we tackle the next major section of this series ─ dynamics ─ let's diverge briefly to take stock of where we are in the process, and cover an important issue involving effect-chain order.
[Feature Article] 11 Studio Errors to Avoid - Steer clear of these common studio mistakes
Learning by your mistakes is definitely an effective method, but it’s not a lot of fun. In this article, we’ll talk about some common mistakes that are made by home recordists and how to avoid them. …
[Feature Article] Put Your Best Feature Forward - 10 cool and innovative features from 10 top DAWs
All DAWS are definitely not created equal. Yes they can all record and edit audio and MIDI, host effects and software instruments, and provide facilities for mixing. But beyond those bread-and-butter…