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Boss CE-3 Chorus (Japan)
Boss CE-3 Chorus (Japan)
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Soot_and_Stars Soot_and_Stars

«  Excellent »

Published on 07/14/13 at 23:22
Analog chorus from beyond the grave, is no longer produced for a long time, is in taiwan and japan.
3 knobs, Rate, speed and to select which output you want to use.
Two outputs so if you want the sound coming out of the pedal:
- Assigned to the two directions
- Sound chorusé on one, on the crude side.

9V battery or when transformer (ACA PSA not I think from memory), it has a tip, use a string and it will work 100%, if you put a battery or transformer and only recently, the chorus will not be fully effective .
Robust manufacturing a pleasant aquatic blue.


Yes, no need for manual, tweaking knobs What is the speed Rate is sensitive and noticeable, so adjust the depth with Depth.


Yes a very kind chorus 80th Police, I use it to dress discreetly clean sounds, but also distortion, love it or do not like (it can turn old métalleuse well cheesy ballad of 80th or otherwise magnify sound ).
The chorus appears differently if you choose the type I or II (II is to be a non-sinusoidal chorus but more "niche" which is curious but not uninteresting).


I use it for 3 months, it remains attached to the pedalboard next to his sister the modulation BF2.
I prefer to CE5 which seems much colder here either, it spins, the settings are sensitive to what you charge him very aquatic. It's different, more subtle than the EHX Small Clone and the H2O VS (less pronounced).
Yes I would do this choice, between it and the CE5 there's no picture.